What Happens If You Name a Minor As a Beneficiary And You Pass Away When They’re a Minor?

Planning for the future often includes naming beneficiaries for your life insurance policy. If you’ve named a minor as a beneficiary, it’s important to understand what happens if you pass away while they’re still underage. At JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC, we want to help you plan ahead to ensure your loved ones are protected.

Minors Can’t Directly Receive Life Insurance Proceeds

If a minor is named as a beneficiary and you pass away, the funds from your life insurance policy won’t be paid directly to them. Legally, minors can’t manage large sums of money until they reach the age of majority, which is usually 18 or 21, depending on the state. Instead, the money will be held in a trust or managed by a court-appointed guardian until the child is old enough to take control of it. This process can sometimes create delays or additional legal expenses. Without proper planning, the financial security you intended to provide could be unnecessarily complicated.

How to Avoid Issues When Naming a Minor as a Beneficiary

Many people choose to establish a trust or designate a custodian under the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (UTMA) to prevent complications. This allows you to set specific terms for how and when the money should be distributed. It’s a simple yet effective way to ensure your child is financially supported without unnecessary delays or legal hurdles.

Let’s Plan for Their Future Together

At JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC, we’re here to help you make the best decisions for your family. Contact us today to review your life insurance policy and explore options to protect your loved ones, no matter what the future holds.

What to Expect If You Have to Get a Physical For a Life Insurance Policy

If you’re considering purchasing a new life insurance policy, you might need to undergo a physical examination to secure the best rates and policy limits. Here’s what you can anticipate from JC Demo Insurance Group, serving Matthews, NC.

Before the Exam

You will arrange a suitable time and location for the exam, such as your home, workplace, or clinic. A medical professional will visit you, and the exam will typically last 20 to 30 minutes. It is advisable to eat lightly, avoid caffeine, and avoid strenuous exercise for a day before the exam. Be prepared to provide your medical history and any medications you’re currently taking.

During the Exam

The exam begins with basic measurements such as your height, weight, and blood pressure. The examiner will ask questions about your health, lifestyle, and medications. They will collect blood and urine samples to test for cholesterol and blood sugar levels. In some cases, if you’re applying for a substantial policy, they might conduct an EKG to assess your heart health.

After the Exam

The insurance company will review your exam results and application to determine your health status. This information helps them decide the cost of your insurance and the coverage you qualify for. Once they have reviewed everything, they will send you an offer detailing your policy.

Are You Looking For a New Life Insurance Policy? Let JC Demo Insurance Group Help

If you’re in the market for a new life insurance policy, the JC Demo Insurance Group team, serving the greater Matthews, NC region, is ready to assist you. Contact us today, and let us help you find a new life insurance policy that suits your needs.

How to Design Life Insurance That Fulfills Your Needs

We live in a world where every moment counts. It is based on moving forward and never looking back. The same philosophy applies to life insurance, as you cannot limit your needs. The staff at JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC can assist in designing a life insurance policy that protects your future.

Importance of Life Insurance in Retirement

After your working career concludes, you hope to have created a wealth nest that protects your family in retirement. This can be accomplished by designing a life insurance policy that fulfills your needs later in life. Everyone’s main goal with life insurance is to create financial protection for their family at the time of their death. Funeral costs are expensive, and the price continues to rise. Life insurance can account for all expenses.

Life Insurance as Income Replacement

Life insurance policyholders often use the terms of their policy as an income replacement option when they retire. Too often, individuals fail to have enough savings to cover their retirement years. Life insurance is designed to meet the holder’s financial obligations each month. But you must calculate your income replacement amount correctly. Usually, you multiply your annual salary by the number of expected retirement years. Remember, this formula is a guide; you can go a different route and still achieve your desired goal.

Life Insurance Provides Financial Protection

If designed correctly, life insurance can provide financial protection for you in retirement or your family upon death. The terms must state who the beneficiary of your estate is after your death. Remember to account for all allowances such as tax consequences, lost earnings, debt payoff, and medical expenses.

Life insurance is expected to protect you and your family. However, designing a policy can be complicated. The staff at JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC can assist in meeting your insurance needs. Call and schedule an appointment today.