Can I Name Someone Other Than a Relative as the Beneficiary of my Life Insurance Policy in Concord, North Carolina?

When you are purchasing life insurance in Concord, North Carolina, you may pause when you reach the section regarding the beneficiary. The beneficiary is the individual who will receive the money when you pass away and many individuals list a spouse, child or other family member as the person who will receive the funds. Although it is common to list a family member, you may not be required to list family members if you have another individual in mind.

Listing Other Individuals

Life insurance is a great way to ensure that loved ones are financially secure after you pass away, but if you do not have any familial responsibilities or if you have another individual in mind, then you may want to write down the name of a different person.

The best solution is to ask your independent agent about the policy before you apply. In most cases, you can list another person as the beneficiary, even if they are not family members.

Groups or Organizations

Although you may assume that a beneficiary is a person, some insurers may allow you to list a charitable organization, a group or a company rather than a person. For example, if you want to leave money for your college to set up a scholarship program, then you may decide to leave the funds to your college.

When you are filling out the paperwork for your life insurance, it is not necessary to list a family member as the person who will receive the funds. You can list another person or even an organization through many insurers. If you are not sure about the process or you want to ask questions, then call us today to talk to an independent agent for more details.

How does GAP insurance work when a car is totaled in Matthews, North Carolina?

When you first get an auto policy in Matthews, North Carolina there are certain benefits that you will select in order to protect yourself from financial troubles. You may add high liability limits and even physical damage benefits. There is one benefit that you will want to add in order to fully round out your auto protection. Here are some things that you will want to know about GAP insurance.

Facts About GAP Insurance and How it Affects You

  • GAP insurance are your car policy in Charlotte and Concord, North Carolina takes care of the gap between the value of the car and amount that you still own on the loan.
  • Without this benefit you will have to pay the difference between the two amounts out of your own pocket.
  • Once the value of the car has been figured out the insurance company will then send that amount to you as a payment for the car being totaled.
  • Once you get the amount you will have to come up with the difference in order to fully payoff the loan amount if you do not have GAP benefits.

There is a lot that goes into your car insurance. If you are looking for someone to help you understand your auto insurance, then you will want to call your independent agent today. As your agent we can help you understand how each one of the benefits on your auto policy protect you and your family. If you need to add benefits to your policy then we can help you decide which benefits you will want to have.

Does commercial insurance cover damages from a termite infestation in Concord, North Carolina?

When you first open up a business you take great care into making sure that nothing can damage or destroy your business. As the owner you may even take out a commercial insurance policy to protect against losses and lawsuits related to business exposures. If you are wondering if your commercial policy protects against pest like termites, then there are some things that you will want to know in Concord, North Carolina.

Does Your Commercial Insurance Policy Protect Against Pest Infestations or Other Perils?

  • Any kind of insurance policy only protects from natural disasters. When a destructive pest invades your business in Charlotte or Matthews, North Carolina there is usually no benefits for this kind of peril.
  • Another thing that is not covered by traditional insurance is natural wear and tear. Buildings and homes wear out with time. Your insurance will not cover this kind of damage.
  • Termites are a pest that can affect many structures. When a building is sold are a home passes to a new owner there is usually a termite inspection done before the property can exchange hands.

If you own your business and are wondering what your commercial policy covers, then you will need to call your independent agent today. Commercial insurance policies can be built to cover your business completely. In order for you to have the benefits that you need, then call us today. As your agent we will be able to give you the information that you need to choose the coverage limits for your company. We can also answer any questions related to your commercial insurance policy.

Can I make a Claim if I Damage my Car by Using a Lighter to Unfreeze the Locks in Charlotte, North Carolina?

During the winter months in Charlotte, North Carolina, it is possible that the locks on a car door will freeze. When that happens, it may be tempting to use a lighter to melt the ice so that it is possible to unlock the doors. Unfortunately, using a lighter on the vehicle may result in damage to the paint or even the metal. Although insurers have different policies regarding damage that they will pay for, auto insurance may not cover the costs of repairs.

Accidents and Accidental Damage

A comprehensive car insurance policy will usually cover the costs of repairing a personal vehicle in certain situations. When the damage results from an accident, such as another car hitting a parked vehicle during icy road conditions or a tree branch falling on the vehicle, then the insurer may cover the costs of repairing or replacing the vehicle.

Purposeful Damage

Although accidents that are beyond personal control may be covered under a policy, it is possible that the plan does not cover personal actions. When the damages are the result of a lighter that you used on your own vehicle, you may find that your insurer will not accept the claim.

Damages that are caused by vandalism, attempted theft or similar situations are usually covered under a basic comprehensive policy. The situation ultimately determines if your current plan will cover the damages to your vehicle.

When you use a lighter to remove ice from the locks on your car, you may not be covered for the damages that occur. The key to determining if you are covered is looking through your policy to clarify the situations that are covered. To learn more about your coverage options, contact us to talk to an independent agent.

Can I Insure my Caravan or Mobile Home Under my Regular Home Insurance Policy in Matthews, North Carolina?

A homeowners insurance policy is designed to protect a house, condo or similar structure that you purchase. Although you may live in a caravan or mobile home in Matthews, North Carolina, a homeowner’s policy is not the right type of insurance plan for the vehicle.

Ability to Move the Structure

The key reason that a homeowner’s insurance policy is not appropriate for a motor home of any type is the possibility of getting into an accident on the road. When you move your home, it is possible that you will get into an accident. As a result, the possibility of liability claims and the risk of damage is much higher than the risks associated with a house.

Motor Home Insurance

When you purchase a mobile home, it is important to find coverage that is specifically designed to address the possible problems that may arise in the vehicle. Mobile home policies are the appropriate solution because the plan will cover road accidents, potential fires and other problems that are related to a house or a car.

A house that is mobile is not the same as a house that stays on the land. You need specialized insurance that can address all of the potential liability concerns, damages that may arise or dangers that are associated with the property.

A homeowner’s policy will not cover a caravan, even if that is where you live. The best way to find the coverage that you need when you own a mobile home is by working with an agent to compare your options and address all of you concerns. If you want to find the right policy for your property, then contact us today to talk to an independent agent.

Can I Insure my New Car with a Different Insurer Before my Current Policy Ends in Charlotte, North Carolina?

When you are purchasing a new car in Charlotte, North Carolina, you will need to obtain auto insurance before you drive the vehicle home. The concern that may arise is whether you should add it to your current policy and wait until it ends or if you should obtain a new policy as soon as possible. Ultimately, the decision is a personal choice.

Changing the Coverage

Even though you have obtained auto coverage for your current vehicle, it does not necessarily mean that you are required to keep the same plan until the period expires. You can cancel your current policy whenever you feel that your insurer is no longer working for your needs or when you find a company that suits your goals and concerns better.

Finding the Right Plan

If you decide that it is time for a change, then you will need to find an insurer who meets your needs and addresses your current concerns. The best insurers will vary based on the situation, so working with an independent agent can help.

An agent will narrow down the choices by giving you the best results based on the amount of coverage that you request. Since the agent compares the options and generates the best policies for your goals and concerns, you can quickly compare auto insurance quotes online and make a decision before you take your new car home.

The excitement of buying a new car may seem dulled if you assume that you must insure it with your current provider. You can change insurers if you are not satisfied with the coverage on your current plan. To learn more about insurance options that are available, contact us to talk to an independent agent.

I have a Roommate who is not Listed Under my Homeowners Policy Moving into my House, Are her Belongings Covered Under my Insurance in Concord, North Carolina?

Although the belongings of a short-term guest in your home is usually covered under a Concord, North Carolina homeowners insurance policy, a roommate does not have the same level of protection. The reason is that the risk of their belongings being lost or stolen is much higher than a guest who is staying for a short period of time. If that individual is not listed on your policy, then it is unlikely that your roommate’s belongings are covered.

Renter’s Insurance

If you do not feel comfortable putting a roommate on your policy and you are renting a room, then that individual may be able to obtain renter’s insurance to protect her belongings. Her personal belongings are her responsibility and your insurance many not provide any protection as long as she is not listed.

Listing Individuals

Unless your roommate is also a family member, you may not be able to list her on your policy. Although insurers have different rules and company policies that they follow, the options to protect your roommate’s personal belongings may not include listing her on your policy.

Family members who move into your home, such as a sibling, a parent or even a cousin, might be eligible for you to list on your policy. Before you assume that your insurance will cover them, contact your insurer and read through your policy for any exceptions or details.

In most cases, a roommate is not covered under your home insurance policy. You may or may not be able to list the individual, depending on the situation, but it is usually a good idea to suggest that your roommate obtain renter’s insurance, which will protect her belongings and provide some liability protection. To learn more about homeowner’s insurance, contact us to talk to an independent agent.

My Apartment in Matthews, North Carolina has been Broken into and items stolen. Am I Covered for this Loss?

When you purchase homeowners insurance for your apartment in Matthews, North Carolina, you may worry about what is covered and what is not. Although the specifics of your policy will vary based on the insurer and the amount of coverage that you purchased, your home coverage may protect the contents of your apartment as well as the property.

Basic Coverage

Coverage for a home may include several factors. In most cases, insurers will protect your personal belongings if they are stolen or damaged from a situation that is beyond your control.

Theft may be covered, but the amount of coverage will vary. Depending on your policy and the type of protection plan that you purchased, you may be reimbursed for the full replacement value or the value after depreciation.

Making a Claim

When you determine that the contents of your apartment are covered under your plan, it is time to make a claim on your policy. Before you contact your insurer, call the police and make a formal report. A police report is proof of the theft and the damages to your apartment.

Call the insurer and explain the situation. The insurer may ask you to send a copy of the police report and any documents that prove that you owned the items, such as a receipt or a picture.

In most cases, insurers will protect your personal belongings and reimburse you for the loss as long as you have a record to prove that you owned the item and you have a policy that protects your contents as well as the structure. The amount of coverage you have may vary, so it is important to read through your policy. To learn more about your policy or coverage plan, contact us to speak to an independent agent today.

Does the Type of Car I Pick Affect my Insurance Rate in Charlotte, NC?

Buying a new car is exciting, but it can come with some unexpected costs that are overlooked. When it comes to auto insurance, the type of car you purchase in Charlotte, North Carolina will impact the amount you pay each month. Although it does impact your rate, the specific policy that you purchase and the situation will determine how your rates are affected.

Basic Liability

If you only purchase the minimum liability policy, then the type of car that you own may not impact your rate dramatically. The reason is simple: the insurer is not paying for damages to your vehicle.

Even if you have the most expensive car on the road, if you do not cover the vehicle for damages, then you may not see dramatic differences in your current coverage price.

Comprehensive Plans

Although a basic liability policy may not dramatically impact your auto coverage rates, it is likely that the vehicle you select may impact your rates dramatically if you purchase a comprehensive policy.

A comprehensive policy protects your vehicle when it is damaged from storms, a tree branch or similar situations, so your insurer may increase the rate if you select a car that has expensive repair parts or that has a high replacement cost. If you pick a vehicle that is not expensive to repair or replace, then your rates may stay the same or even reduce.

The impact of your vehicle on insurance rates will depend on the insurer and the particular plan that you select. In some cases, your rates may stay the same. In other situations, it may increase or decrease after you purchase a new vehicle. If you want to learn more about the impact of your vehicle on your policy rates, contact us to talk to an independent agent.