The importance of a home inventory

Your home is your castle and if your castle is like most castles, it is full of things. More than just furniture, appliances and decor. Years of accumulated memories fill closets and attics and trying to remember everything that you possess may really be mission impossible. That is where a home inventory comes in, it can be the difference between getting the most from your home insurance and having many of your possessions lost forever. The residents of Matthews, NC have the JC Demo Insurance Group to turn to when they have questions about the importance of a home inventory. 

A home inventory takes time to create. It is a record of every room in your home. In reality, it is not just the rooms but the closets, cupboards, drawers, attic and basement. It must be detailed and if you can include sales receipts especially for the big-ticket items that is the best option. For jewelry, getting an appraisal is the best way to get the true value of your items and of course, if they are especially expensive you will need to cover them with a rider. In addition to writing down all the items in each room, taking pictures is a good way to document everything. 

After you have gone to all the trouble of creating a home inventory, you need to keep it in a safe place. Away from the home is ideal but if you don’t have a safety deposit box, you should at the very least make sure that it is stored in a fire and waterproof box to protect it from whatever happens. 

To find out the importance of a home inventory, stop by the office of JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC and talk to one of their experienced agents. If your home is damaged, an inventory can make replacement of your possession much easier. 



What to Do If You Have a Car Accident

Accidents happen, even to those who are excellent drivers. When you know what to do if you have a car accident, you can avoid expensive errors. Here are five things to remember if you have an accident in Matthews, NC from JC Demo Insurance Group. 

1. Move Your Car

If your car is drivable, do your best to get it off to the side of the road so you can avoid blocking traffic as much as possible. If you can get out of your car and you see that other people in the accident need help, do what you can to help them. If you can’t move your vehicle and no one is in need of assistance, stay in the car with your seat belt on to keep yourself safe from other motorists

2.  Call the Police

Your insurance company will probably want a police report to make a claim. Even if no one is hurt, call the non-emergency police number to have a police report filed. 

3. Exchange Information

You and the other driver should exchange information. You can let the other driver know your name and phone number, the name of your insurance company and your policy number. You should also jot down a brief description of the other car involved in the accident, its license plate number, the exact street address where the accident occurred, and any names and phone numbers of potential witnesses in the vicinity.  

4. Cooperate with the Police

Answer the questions that the police have and let them have your personal information as well. Do not necessarily accept blame for the accident.  Just tell the officer what occurred, and let him draw his own conclusions. 

5. Report the Accident to Your Insurance Company

After you have finished the paperwork and the officer releases you to leave the scene, you will want to call your insurance company to let them know about the wreck. They will tell you what your next steps should be. Often, they will have the numbers of preferred repair shops and tow truck companies to help you out. Your insurance agent can help you through this process, so be sure to write down what you need to do while you are on the phone. 

Car accidents are inconvenient, but having a good insurance agent can help expedite the process and get you back on the road in your vehicle. If you need insurance in the Matthews, NC area, contact JC Demo Insurance Group today.

Why you need to update your policy after a major home improvement project

Major home improvement projects can be a massive stressor for a number of different reasons. If you are looking to undergo an extensive project in the near future, don’t forget to take a closer look at your homeowner’s policy before any work gets started. JC Demo Insurance Group is here to provide all the information that homeowners in the Matthews, NC community and surrounding area may need regarding home insurance.

Make sure you’re covered before work starts!

  • Damage to your home – any substantial home improvement project has the capacity to go wrong. Even when your contractor carries insurance, it may not be enough. Take the time to sit down with your agent and make sure that you have the protection you need.
  • Injury to a contractor or worker – if someone is injured while doing work on your home, you can sometimes be held liable. If you are going to have workers in your home make sure that you have sufficient liability protection. 
  • Future damage caused by shoddy work – what happens if six months down the road your new kitchen stops working properly? There are so many things that can go wrong with a bit project, especially a few months down the road. Don’t get stuck with an incomplete or subpar project, make sure you’re protected.

The time to check for adequate insurance coverage is before work starts. There’s nothing worse than sustaining damage to your home only to find out that your policy does not provide coverage. If you are in the greater Matthews, NC area, call or stop by JC Demo Insurance Group today to review your policy for completeness. We are proud to serve our community and look forward to working with you!

Does the Color of a Vehicle Change Insurance?

The color red has a bad reputation for being thought of as the color of vehicles that are involved in more accidents and whose drivers get more speeding tickets. That urban myth is not accurate. However, there are statistical differences in accident rates and traffic citations that are available regarding the color of vehicles.

Vehicle Color and Accidents

The most likely vehicle color to be involved in more accidents than other colors is black. Black-colored vehicles are difficult to see, especially at night, so they are involved in a higher proportion of accidents.

The next most likely colors for a vehicle that has more accidents are blue, gray, and silver. Darker blues, which are similar to black, are more difficult to see at night.

A red vehicle is only 7% more likely to have more accidents than the safest color for a vehicle, which is either yellow or white. The explanation of why yellow is safer is because bright yellow is a color that attracts more attention. It stands out from the surrounding environment.

A study in Australia found that white was the safest color. However, statistics from the USA show the color of white to be less safe than yellow. This determination considered the number of vehicles of a particular color that are on the road. White-colored vehicles make up 18% of the vehicles on American roads. They are involved in 25% of the accidents.

It turns out that the color of a vehicle is less of a factor in accidents than visibility and weather conditions. When thinking about getting a new car work, with your agent at JC Demo Insurance Group, serving Matthews, NC and the surrounding communities, to get insurance quotes for the various models under consideration.

Vehicle Color and Traffic Tickets

It turns out that red is not the most likely vehicle color to attract more traffic tickets. The top color for getting traffic tickets is white! Red is second. Gray is third and silver is fourth.

The model of a vehicle is a stronger influential factor than the color in getting traffic tickets. One study found that the top ticket-attracting models are Mercedes-Benz SL, Toyota Camry Solara, and Scion TC. These models are three or four times more likely to get a traffic ticket than other vehicles.

To get a quote for any color vehicle or model, contact your agent at JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC by calling or use the convenient online form.

How Is My Commercial Business Insurance Premium Determined?

Your commercial business insurance premium is determined by a wide range of factors, including where you’re located and what you do. Those in Matthews, NC should have all the facts, so there are fewer surprises by the time they start searching for quotes. Whether you’re looking for brand new coverage or you want to improve upon what you currently have, JC Demo Insurance Group may be able to help. 

Your Location and Specialty 

Different businesses are riskier than others. If you have a body shop in a dangerous section of town, your location may be more likely to sustain criminal activity, such as theft or vandalism. You’re also more likely to have a liability or workers compensation claim filed against you. Let’s say a customer comes to pick up their car when they’re injured by a misplaced tool. Your premium will be higher based on the risks, meaning it will be very different from an air-conditioned office stocked with ergonomic chairs and other safety features. 

Claim History 

This factor is something of an extension of your location and specialty risks. If you’ve filed multiple claims before, you’re more likely to have a higher premium because insurance companies assume your rate of filing will likely remain stable. For many businesses, there is only so much they can do to eliminate all risk. However, it can help for business owners to take as many safety precautions as possible in an effort to prove to the insurance company that everything is being done to prevent accident, injury, or property damage. 

To find out more about how you can do more for your business, call JC Demo Insurance Group today. We serve the owners of Matthews, NC who want to keep their livelihood going no matter what happens. 

3 Tips for Buying Life Insurance in Matthews, NC

To protect the ones we love after we’re gone, life insurance is a must. With a life insurance policy you can have peace of mind knowing that when you pass, your family will be taken care of. Life insurance helps cover burial expenses, college tuition, paying off debt, and help with living expenses, for example. This important policy should be set in place as soon as possible if you don’t already have one. In fact, JC Demo Insurance Group has put together three important tips for purchasing life insurance in Matthews, NC. Read on to learn more:

1. Compare Several Quotes

Insurance quotes are never exactly the same. That’s why it’s so important to go over the fine detail of several quotes before deciding on a life insurance policy. An insurance agent can help you do this.

2. Bundle Your Insurance Policies

To save money on your premiums, bundle your insurance policies under one carrier. You can stay with your existing insurance company or switch to a new one that offers both better discounts and coverage. Using an insurance agent to complete this task is a good idea. You can bundle any of your policies together, such as home insurance, auto insurance, commercial insurance, and more.

3. Work with a Reputable Agent

To secure the right life insurance policy for an affordable price, it’s best to work with a reputable agent. These experienced professionals can answer all your questions and concerns, help you compare quotes, and find you discounts.

To learn more about purchasing life insurance in Matthews, NC, call the team at JC Demo Insurance Group today.


Why your insurance needs change after you pay off your car

Owning a car outright can be an exciting feeling! When you purchased your car using financing, there were probably stipulations put in place by your lender. Now that it’s yours and you hold the title, your insurance needs change a bit. The team at JC Demo Insurance Group is here to help you make sure that your Matthews, NC area vehicle has the coverage necessary to protect this asset. Your car is likely the most expensive item you own, outside of your home and it’s important to make sure you have adequate coverage in place.

Why your insurance needs a change after you pay off your car

The most important consideration when you are choosing the auto policy for a vehicle that you own outright is the replacement value coverage. Your car is now paid off, and if you have had it for a number of years, it is likely depreciated in value. If there is a situation that renders your car totaled, you want to make certain that your policy will cover a replacement car that will suit your needs.  Oftentimes people forget to update their policies only to find out that their payout after a total demolition is inadequate. Don’t let all of your hard work and fiscal responsibility go to waste! Review your auto policy now and add this important feature. The coverage levels that your lender required are no longer relevant; take the time to sit down with an agent and make sure you have the coverage you need!

If you are in the greater Matthews, NC area and your car is now paid off, contact the team at JC Demo Insurance Group today and learn more about the auto insurance policy options that are now available to you.

As your home value increases, so should your insurance coverage level

Our homes are often our largest investment, and it is important to keep them protected. When you first bought your home you probably sat down and reviewed all of your home insurance options to make your decision. Since that time, it’s likely that you’ve just renewed the same policy each year and not thought too much about it. The team at JC Demo Insurance Group recommends that you have your policy reviewed on an annual basis to make sure that your coverage is keeping pace with the value of your Matthews, NC area home. 

Your home policy should change along with the value of your home

Home values are constantly shifting, and your home policy should change along with it. It’s easy to forget that insurance policies have upward limits, especially when you have been fortunate enough to not have to file a claim. But as your home value increases over the years, it may surpass the level of current insurance. It is highly recommended that homeowners review their policies on an annual basis in order to make sure that their policy is adequate to meet their needs. If you haven’t taken a look at your home insurance coverage since you bought your home, now is the perfect time to review it! No one wants to find out the hard way that does to the increase in their home’s value that their policy is no longer provides sufficient protection for their family home.

Is it time for you to review your home insurance policy? If you are in the greater Matthews, NC area, call or stop by the JC Demo Insurance Group today, and we will help you make sure that your current policy meets your home protection needs.

The Benefits of Having Commercial Insurance to Cover Special Risks

Most business owners know about the basic commercial insurance needed to protect a business, which includes workers’ compensation, general liability, property insurance, and commercial vehicle insurance. A business may need product liability insurance if it produces or distributes products.

Depending on a person’s occupation there may be a need for professional liability insurance as well. The is also called malpractice insurance for those in the health care sector and attorneys. It may be called errors and omissions (E&O) for those professionals providing financial services, such as financial planners, stock brokers, and tax accountants.

Basic commercial insurance for a business may not be adequate because new risks are becoming more common.

Protection From New Risks

To address these new risks, which are now being experienced by most businesses, there are customized commercial insurance policies that work in combination with umbrella insurance to provide protection for things like:

  • Terrorist Attacks: Mass shootings and product tamperings.
  • Industrial Accidents: Oil spills, gas leaks, and biohazards.
  • Cybersecurity Breaches: Stolen personal information, fraud, and malware.
  • Severe Weather Damage: Flooding and hurricanes caused by climate change.
  • Lawsuits: Defamation, slander, libel, discrimination, and sexual harassment in the workplace.

Talk with your agent at JC Demo Insurance Group, serving Matthews, NC, and the surrounding area, about these risks and others that are potentially serious. The goal is to reduce these risks that could negatively affect your business. Your agent can help to determine how insurance can alleviate some of your exposure.

Business Interruption Insurance

Many businesses find it wise to carry business interruption insurance. For example, even if a business is not damaged when a natural disaster hits the area, it still may not be able to operate due to the power-down condition and/or dangers. Business interruption insurance helps pays the bills for an ongoing business if it is temporarily not able to operate normally.

Contact your agent at JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC by calling 704-541-5155 or using the convenient online form to get a quote for new commercial insurance or to upgrade your commercial insurance for your business.

Retiring to North Carolina? – Life Insurance Review!

Is There Ever A Bad Time To Review Your Life Insurance Needs?

Are you in Matthews, NC right now? If so, come in today and pose that question to the professionals at JC Demo Insurance Group. We dare you. Do you know what our response will be? A resounding "no" , there is never a bad time to review your life insurance needs.  

Life Insurance Review For Retirees

North Carolina is a popular location to retire in. Retirement is a great time to take a careful review of your financial situation. Life insurance is not just a means to pay for final expenses. Life insurance can be an investment tool to ensure you can cover major life expenses. Depending upon the type of life insurance product you currently own, chances are your needs have changed greatly with retirement. You may want to travel more extensively, pay off an existing mortgage and downsize your living accommodations, essentially the sky is the limit to the choices that are in front of you as you retire. This is the logistical freedom you have worked for all of your life. Reviewing your policy with one of our professionals will give you a clear view of how your coverage can adapt to your retired lifestyle.    

As the old adage says, there is no time like the present. JC Demo Insurance Group is located in Matthews, NC. Our telephone number is 704-541-5155. Call or come right into our office today to learn how we can assist you with your insurance issues. We serve both North and South Carolina. We provide coverage for several different aspects of your life.  Our professionals can discuss your; Business, Auto, Home and personal insurance for your recreational vehicle or just about any insurance question you can think of.