Does Home Insurance Cover Rental Property?

When you decide to earn extra money from renting out some space on your property, you’re becoming a landlord in Matthews, NC. As a result, you’ll face some risks associated with a rental property, such as loss of income. While you may have a homeowner’s policy to cover your personal belongings and other valuable assets, it may not serve your needs as a landlord.

Home insurance can adequately provide coverage for your whole property and your private assets. But when it comes to landlord insurance to offer protection from other risks, it’d be advisable to have a separate cover. It’s because you’re now running a business, and as such, the risks you’ll cover cannot be the same as those of a homeowner’s policy. It’s essential to treat them differently.

A rental dwelling policy will kick in if, say, a tenant or a guest on your property is injured. For this reason, standard home insurance may not be useful in this situation.

Another issue to consider is the length of time you’ll rent out part of your property. The longer it’ll be on rental, the more important you should have a landlord policy. Although you may have rental dwelling insurance, your tenant’s private possessions may not be covered. In this case, it’d be a good idea for them to have a renter’s insurance though it may not be state mandatory.

The last consideration is that a landlord policy would be suitable if you rent out a permanent property. You may not use the standard homeowner’s policy.  But if you’re unsure whether your space can be considered as a rental, JC Demo Insurance Group can help you in this regard.

Still, have more questions in connection with homeowner’s insurance? Contact JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC.

When do people in North Carolina need auto insurance?

In the state of North Carolina, owning a car is a great option and investment. Those with a car will enjoy the convenience that it can provide. People that live in the Matthews, NC area will always benefit from having a proper insurance policy. There are several situations when someone here is going to need to have an appropriate auto insurance policy. 

When Taking Out a Loan

A common situation when people in this state need to have auto insurance is when they are getting financing for the vehicle. Buying a vehicle is a big purchase and a lot of buyers have to take out a loan to complete the purchase. If you do decide to take out an auto loan when you are buying a car, you will have to comply with your lender’s auto insurance requirements.

When Trying to Comply with Law

You will also need to have an auto insurance policy when you are trying to comply with the law. People that are all over the state of North Carolina are bound by state laws regarding having at least some liability insurance. If you do not have this insurance coverage, you will not have protection if you cause damage in an accident. Due to this risk, all drivers are required by law to carry liability coverage and those without it could face penalties.

Picking the right auto insurance policy in the Matthews, NC area should be taken very seriously. If you are going to pick a new insurance policy here, you should call the JC Demo Insurance Group. Anyone that speaks with the team at the JC Demo Insurance Group can learn about their insurance options and get into a proper policy that will ensure full compliance with the law and all requirements. 

What is a business owner’s policy?

What is a business owner’s policy?

While North Carolina law does not require your Matthews NC business to carry a commercial insurance policy, JC Demo Insurance Group wants to explain why purchasing a business owner’s policy (BOP) provides you the financial protection you can’t afford to miss.

A BOP provides you with the three most common business insurance types in one policy. You save money since the premium costs less than purchasing the coverages separately. You need business insurance to protect you from business loss caused by named perils, the insurance term for weather events such as a tornado, hurricane, hail, etc. a BOP also protects you in liability issues such as if a customer slips and falls in your store, injuring themself. Finally, the BOP protects you from business interruptions such as closure while repairs from a fire take place.

If you apply for a business loan or try to land venture capital or angel investor funding, your insurance will comprise one of the top things they ask to see. Others include your business plan, business continuity plan, and your marketing plans.

A BOP from JC Demo Insurance Group includes business interruption coverage, liability coverage, and property damage. This provides businesses of any size or type from solopreneur to corporation with the essential coverage to protect their financial health as well as their physical business property.

While a BOP does not fulfill the needs of every company, you can find out if it fits your business’ needs by contacting JC Demo Insurance Group today. We serve the Matthews, NC area with the business insurance it needs to protect the economy. Talk to your agent today to learn if you could benefit from a BOP policy or if you need other types of business insurance such as a boiler policy or glass insurance.

5 Benefits of having a life insurance policy

Having life insurance is an essential lifetime financial strategy. Besides protecting your loved ones from financial distress when you pass on, you can derive many benefits from the life policy while still alive. At JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC, we will walk with you on the various life insurance types and customize one that meets all your needs.

Benefits of life insurance 

  • Loan security

Your life insurance policy can act as security for loans in a bank. This could cater to such things as emergencies, school fees, or act as your retirement supplement. You don’t have to put your life investments on hold while saving for your life insurance policy.

  • Tax-deferred growth benefits

Holders of life insurance policies receive tax relief on their incomes. The tax relief can act as a source of income with the benefits being used for other investments.

  • Term benefits

Benefits from life insurance can be paid back on different terms. You can have these terms coincide with major life events such as your children’s graduation or for your planned wedding.

  • Debt payment

Life insurance benefits can be used to repay off your mortgage upon your demise. The benefits can also be used to pay for crucial expenses such as medical bills or your children’s tuition fees. This is essential as it lifts the heavy financial obligation on your loved ones.

  • Burial final costs

The burial costs could be overwhelming for your family. Life insurance benefits will ensure that you get a decent burial.

  • Family inheritance

To maintain your family’s current living standards, life insurance benefits can be awarded as a form of inheritance to your family members. Our agents at JC Demo Insurance Group will discuss the kind of life you want for your family upon your demise and the most appropriate sum assured.

Please visit our website or talk to our agents at JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC, on life insurance’s many benefits.

Is Flooding Covered Under Home insurance?

Standard homeowners’ insurance does not provide coverage for damages related to flooding. It’s also imperative to understand the risk involved with flooding and weigh your insurance options to ensure that your home in Matthews, NC is fully protected.

Many residents of Matthews, NC assume that all-natural perils get covered by insurance, but this is not applicable when dealing with floods. Homeowners require to purchase separate flood insurance to cushion them from flood water damage. If you are designated in a flood-prone area or suspect that you live in a flood zone, it’s vital to buy insurance as early as possible because most flood covers come with 30 days waiting period. At JC Demo Insurance Group, we highly recommend homeowners in Matthews NC to purchase an additional separate flood insurance policy to cushion them when this natural disaster strikes.

What is covered by floods insurance?

The National Flood Insurance Program(NFIP) is responsible for providing flood insurance to many US residents. Though (NFIP) is owned and controlled by the federal government; you can buy a flood insurance cover through our JC Demo Insurance Group agents. Flood insurance covers the following damages according to NFIP:

  • Water heater, heat pumps, and central air conditioners.
  • Permanently installed carpets.
  • Staircases, anchorage systems, and foundation walls.
  • Permanently installed paneling, wallboard, bookcases, and cabinets.
  • Detached garage.
  • Solar energy equipment, fuel tanks, and well water tanks.
  • Appliances like refrigerators, inbuilt appliances like dishwashers, dryers, and washing machines.
  • Personal property like clothing, furniture, and electronics.

What is not covered by flood insurance?

Flood insurance covers damages that are primarily caused by flooding water. It is also crucial to put into account that the cause of flooding determines coverage. For instance, damages resulting from a sewer backup get covered if only the insurance company establishes that the back up resulted from direct flooding. According to NFIP, the following kinds of damages are not covered by flood insurance:

  • Damages resulting from moisture, mold, and mildew.
  • Damages as a result of earth movement.
  • Additional living expenses like temporary housing, building undergoing repairs, and an unoccupied house.
  • Property and possession outside an insured building like fences, hot tubs, patios, swimming pools, and septic systems.
  • Valuable papers, currency, and precious metals.

Are you a homeowner suspecting to be living in a flood-prone area in Matthews, NC? Feel free to call or visit our JC Demo Insurance Group offices for all your insurance requirements.

Common Myths About Car Insurance

Choosing and buying auto insurance coverage might not be an easy task, especially if you have never done it before. There are also plenty of myths and misconceptions that do not let you make an informed decision and get the policy you really need. In order to assist you, JC Demo Insurance Group serving clients from Matthews, NC and other surrounding areas has prepared the list of common myths about car insurance that have nothing to do with truth:

It Is More Expensive To Insure Red Cars

The truth is that if you a red car owner, you have nothing to worry about – you will not have to pay more for your insurance just because of the color of your vehicle. Insurance companies consider other factors, such as the type of your vehicle (its model, age, body type, and engine size) and your behavior as a driver. They also care about the safety features of your car, how much it costs to repair in case of an accident, and how popular the car is with thieves. 

It Is Enough To Get the Minimum Coverage

Unfortunately, in most cases, it is not enough to have the minimum coverage required by the state of North Carolina. The minimum coverage will not cover your personal injuries or the injuries of your family members. It will not even cover the damage to the vehicle completely. For this reason, in order to have proper protection on the road and peace of mind, you will have to have additional coverage. 

Older Driver Pay More For Their Car Insurance

It is not true. Actually, there are certain discounts available to older drivers. For example, drivers at the age of 55 and older are eligible for a discount on their premiums if they successfully complete an accident prevention course. 

If you are currently looking for proper car insurance in the state of North Carolina, JC Demo Insurance Group serving Matthews, NC is ready to assist you and help you find an insurance plan based on your needs and budget. Do not hesitate to contact our agency to discuss the available options. 

3 signs of a good commercial insurance plan

Your business in Matthews, NC is one of your most valuable assets. Why wouldn’t you want to have the best protection to prevent it from enduring financial turmoil? A commercial insurance plan is the best way to prepare for the unexpected. JC Demo Insurance Group can help you create an indemnity plan that is tailor-made to meet the unique needs of your company. Read on to learn about the three signs of a good commercial insurance plan. 

Sign #1: The policy covers income loss

You never know when an unexpected power outage will close your business for a day. A good insurance plan helps you prepare for such an occurrence by offering business income loss coverage. This indemnity option pays you for the sales you would have gained were it not for the unforeseen event closing your store. 

Business income loss is a good idea even when working from home. It only takes one bad Internet connection to thwart your workday. 

Sign #2: Natural disasters are included

A standard disaster in Matthews, NC is not included in a standard commercial insurance plan. You need to purchase additional coverage if you want to receive compensation for damage and loss related to flooding and fires caused by Mother Nature. 

Sign #3: General liability coverage is strong

Some entrepreneurs purchase just enough general liability coverage to satisfy the norm. You do yourself no favors by taking the cheap route when it comes to general liability insurance, though. It only takes one customer falling over one of your displays to cause significant financial hardship. 

It is important to note that not all commercial insurance plans are equal. Some business owners have employees and, thus, require workers compensation coverage. Other entrepreneurs are mobile services and, as such, require commercial auto insurance. 

An agent at JC Demo Insurance Group can help you find a commercial indemnity plan that best suits your company’s needs. Call them today to get started with a quote.

How Much Life Insurance Will You Need?

Death is not the most comfortable topic to discuss, but at times it is necessary. For those with dependents who count on you as their sole financial mode of support, you’ll need to get a life insurance policy. Purchasing a policy is easy in Matthews, NC. The agents at JC Demo Insurance Group can help you discover the amount of coverage you will need.

Life insurance is mainly about taking care of your family after you’re gone. How much you need will be based on your assets and the amount of debt you owe. For example, if you’re the primary breadwinner and you have an outstanding mortgage, auto loans, and credit card debt, you’ll need enough coverage to pay for all of those items, in addition to the funeral, burial, or cremation costs.

You should also consider any young children in your household. Do you need to provide for them for the rest of their lives? Not necessarily. If you can afford to do so, then yes, but otherwise they’ll need enough to get by on for a few months or maybe even a year. Think about it this way. If someone close to you died and you suddenly inherited all of their debt at once, you would feel completely overwhelmed. If that person had enough life insurance coverage to manage their debt, then you would not feel as though their death was a burden.

Talk it over with your insurance agent to find out exactly how much life insurance you need. At the JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC, their agents can help you get what you’re looking for so that you don’t have to worry about your family’s future. While you’re there you can also look into getting home, auto, or business insurance too.

The dos and don’ts during a home insurance claim

Making a home insurance claim today is a straightforward process, particularly if you are making minor claims. However, larger claims can be a lengthy and complicated process if not handled the correct way. That is why we at JC Demo Insurance Group advise our Matthews, NC residents to learn the dos and don’ts when dealing with a home insurance claim.

Here is what you can and cannot do.

Do call your insurance immediately: In the event of a major accident like a fire or burglary, call your insurance company immediately, when the ordeal is still fresh in your mind. Of Course, you also want to make sure that your family is safe and that you save what can be saved to minimize damage or injuries. No matter how busy and dramatic the moment could be, make sure to inform your insurer.

Don’t touch anything until the agents get to you: If your insurer has advised that you stay away from the scene, do so to avoid mishaps with the investigations.

Do take pictures and videos: Take some evidence just in case it will be needed by the police. However, if the situation is too dangerous, you don’t want to expose yourself to harm. If it is safe to do so, take pictures and videos of the scene as well as the root cause.

Don’t throw receipts: If you used your money to buy several things needed to save the damage or prevent it from spreading, or rented an apartment to stay because your home was too damaged, you will need to prove these things with receipts when filing a claim. So, never throw a receipt during home insurance claims.

Do have your details with you: Your insurance provider will require you to provide your personal information when you call them. Make sure you have them near you.

At JC Demo Insurance Group, we help customers find policies that best fit their style, budget, and needs. If you are looking for home insurance around Matthews, NC,  JC Demo insurance is here for you. Try us today!

Do I Need to Carry Auto Insurance on my Car if I Put It in Storage?

In Matthews, NC, the agents of JC Demo Insurance Group can help you keep your vehicle protected even if it has to be placed in storage. Putting your car in storage takes it off of the road, but it doesn’t eliminate all of the different risks it may be exposed to. Making sure it is properly insured at all times is the best way to protect your investment.

Reasons for Storing Your Car

There are several reasons for putting your car in storage. One of the most common is that it is a second vehicle and that won’t be driven if you go on a lengthy vacation or return home for the summer. Individuals who live in North Carolina for only a few months out of the year, often have a vehicle at their winter home for added convenience. Putting it in storage helps to keep it safe during the long months that you are away.

Making Sure It Is Properly Insured

Just because your vehicle isn’t being driven on the road, doesn’t mean all of your risks are put to rest. Your car may be stolen or damaged by vandals. It could possibly be damaged by something falling on it if the building it is stored in is compromised in any way. Making sure it is properly insured is the best way to reduce your risk and protect your investment.

The agents of JC Demo Insurance Group are always available to help residents living in the Matthews, NC area find the right coverage for their vehicles. This includes when they have to be placed in storage for any length of time. Call and schedule an appointment with an agent today!