How to Adjust Homeowner’s Policy for Home Improvements

Having a home in Matthews, NC comes with plenty of benefits, but it also binds you with responsibility. One of those responsibilities is homeowners insurance. While you’ll want to enjoy the freedom of homeownership and all of the changes you can make to your house, you should pause to consider how those changes will impact your insurance. The JC Demo Insurance Group has put together this simple guide to help you with expectations.

Changes to Property Value

Typically speaking, major home renovations will increase the value of the property. Not all changes are equal, though. Major floor plan remodels that open space or even create new rooms can add thousands to the value of a home. Big changes to the kitchen or bathrooms also yield hefty value returns, especially if you replace major appliances or fixtures. The bottom line is that these improvements may require a new appraisal to make sure your policy is covering the new value of your home.

Increased Liability

The most fun add-ons to a house are also usually the riskiest. The easiest example is installing a swimming pool. It will certainly add value that should be appraised, but it also puts you at a greater liability risk. On average, new pools can increase your liability risks by a factor of five. This holds true for other fun additions that come with risk.

Premium Savers

Let’s start with a disclaimer: every policy is unique, so the chance for saving on insurance premiums will vary case by case. That said, there are some upgrades that often do lower the price of your insurance. The biggest of them all is getting a new roof. The roof is the part of the house that offers the most protection from weather related damage, and many policies will offer a discount for improvements in this area. Smaller savings can sometimes be found with security improvements and major upgrades that better protect your house from damage.

By all means, make your Matthews, NC, home the place you dream it could be. Just don’t forget about insurance along the way. Talk to your JC Demo Insurance Group agent before you dive into a project, and it can save you headaches and uncertainty in the long run.


6 Parts of Home Insurance You Need to Know About

Did you know that home insurance in North Carolina is a multi-peril policy? This special type of policy can cover you for different events at the same time, such as property damage, medical payments, and more. Our team at JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC will show you the six types of coverage your home insurance includes below.

A. Dwelling – This covers you for major damage to the house and any structural parts attached to it. The amount is often determined by the home’s market value.

B. Other Structures – Similar to dwelling, this part protects any structures on the property that are separate from the house, such as tool sheds and barns.

C. Personal Property – While A and B protect your home’s exterior, C protects the contents inside that you or your family who reside with you own. It may not cover everything inside though, so you’ll want to purchase additional riders for complete protection.

D. Loss of Use – If the home becomes uninhabitable after a natural disaster, this part of coverage will help you pay for additional meals and lodging expenses.

E. Personal Liability – This section will help pay for any accidental injuries at your home that you or a member of your household may be responsible for.

F. Medical Payments to Others – If any visitors get hurt at your home, this part takes care of paying for some of the medical expenses. 

While this summary gives you the big picture,  there are also many other details in a Matthews, NC home insurance policy. Wondering if your insurance covers a specific scenario? Give us a call! Our team at JC Demo Insurance Group is happy to answer any questions you may have.

NC Home Insurance and Theft

When people buy home insurance, they usually do so with the thought of protecting themselves from natural disasters. Here in Matthews, NC, we have seen our neighbors lose it all in hurricanes, floods, and fires. It is a reality that we all hope never to have to face. Burying our heads in the sand does no good. For this reason, wise consumers purchase comprehensive home insurance. When the worst happens to them, they have money to rebuild, repair and relocate, depending on the damage.

Do Not Forget In-Home Property Coverage

There is something that most homeowners forget to consider. What will they do if their home gets robbed? Perhaps they come home one day to find the place ransacked and important items missing. Does home insurance cover the stolen property? Well, that all depends on what was stolen and how much. It is always best to speak with an experienced NC home insurance agent about just what is covered in a particular policy.

In general, Matthews, NC, insurers can make special dispensations when needed for such valuables as computers, home entertainment centers, jcand pianos. These items are likely candidates for theft.

Just ask an agent about available policy rates.

Secure Your Property Today

There is no need to wait. Get started securing in-home property today. Crime rates are unfortunately rising everywhere. If hit by a thief, comprehensive home insurance can help to provide the necessary financial backing to replace stolen items.

The best way to save is to use the convenient online rating tool that provides current pricing on home insurance. Then contact an agent at JC Demo Insurance Group to make the purchase.



The Importance of Maintaining Homeowners Insurance

Your home is most likely the biggest thing you own and the most expensive. You’ve put a lot of money into it. You made repairs to the roof, updated the fixtures, and installed new flooring. This has become a huge investment. Why not protect it? Homeowners insurance is the only way to make sure that your home is safeguarded from disasters.

Why You Need Homeowners Insurance

The #1 reason to have homeowners insurance is protection. Coverage usually applies to the buildings’ structure and its contents. Depending on your policy, you can get protection for everything inside of your home. Talk with your independent insurance agents in Matthews, NC at JC Demo Insurance Group, so they can help you tailor your coverage to include:

  • The House – repairing or rebuilding the homes’ structure.
  • Personal Belongings – could include furniture, electronics, appliances, clothing, and other valuables.
  • You, Your Family, and Guests – accidental injuries can be added to your policy to cover medical bills, hospital stays, and therapeutic costs.
  • Additional Costs – if you have to stay at a hotel for a few days while your home is being repaired because of fire or water damage.

What Happens If Your Homeowners Insurance Lapses

Homeowners policies were meant to pay for damages to your home if there is a disaster such as a fire, vandalism, lightning, earthquake, hurricane, or other catastrophes. If you allow your policy to lapse, you would not only have to pay for damages that arise, but your mortgage could go into default. At the time of closing, most lending companies agree to the loan if you acquire and maintain insurance coverage. When there is a lapse, the lending company may put your home in default.

Get in touch with JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC. Their independent agents can discuss with you the details of maintaining your homeowners insurance policy.

Will Adding an Extra Living Room Add Value to Your Home?

When it comes to adding value to your home, you may have heard before that adding on an extra living room is a great way to accomplish this goal. And the truth is, it really is a great way. Adding any type of living space to your home is an excellent way to add to its value, including bedrooms, bathrooms, and living room especially. It is of the utmost importance that you make sure the extra living room is added onto your home in the right spot, connecting it to a hallway or walkway area that easily accesses other parts of the home. 

Why is adding on a living room of so much value to a home?

People can use a living room for many purposes. From using it as an office or workspace to letting it be an area where the kids can keep their toys, there are multiple purposes that can be customized to meet a family’s specific needs and preferences. If you are looking to use a living room to provide storage space, you can always decorate with storage that is versatile. Take for example a living room ottoman that has the ability to store DVDs or kid’s toys. Or a couch that opens up and allows you to store items. Almost any type of furniture piece can be used for multiple purposes, you just have to research your options. 

As you can see, adding on an extra living room to your home is an excellent way to add value to your home, so contact JC Demo Insurance Group today to learn more about home value and home insurance in the Matthews, NC area. 

Tips and Tricks to Keep Your North Carolina Home Safe During Fall

Residents of Matthews, North Carolina very often look forward to the fall season, just as residents of other cities around the United States often do. I mean, who can hate fall? The leaves are beautiful, the whether is cool – but not too cold – and there are some great seasonal holidays to look forward to such as Halloween and Thanksgiving. And yet, for all of the comfort and all of the fun that the seasonal changes bring, there are just as many things that the seasonal changes can bring that are a nuisance (or perhaps worse). Cold and dry weather can hurt your home, as can clogged gutters. Here are some handy tips and tricks to keep your home running as smoothly as possible.

One of the first tips that people will often tell you to deal with is to check your doors and windows. This is one of the key areas where the cold whether is most able to creep inside, and when it happens, this is typically due to poor sealant or poor quality of the make of the doors and/or windows. If you have poor insulation from the outside weather, not only can this cause you to spend more money on your heating or air conditioning (depending on the kind of weather you are facing), this can also cause your woodwork and furniture to suffer due to the dryer weather. The wood absorbs the moisture in the air, and without proper insurance covering this, replacing and/or fixing these things may have you paying entirely out of pocket.

It is not too late for Matthews, NC residents to be extra prepared for the fall weather – in addition to all of the practical home improvements, you can seek out the proper insurance plan as well. JC Demo Insurance Group is happy to help you find the insurance plan that is right for you.

The five biggest mistakes people make when purchasing home insurance

When you choose a home insurance policy, remember that your policy will probably be sticking with you for years to come. This means that any mistakes you make in choosing your policy could cost you some long lasting headaches. 

Before committing to a policy, make sure you avoid the following five common mistakes people make when purchasing home insurance:

  1. Focusing too much on prices- As with any other product, you get what you pay for with home insurance. You need to pay attention to how much you’re paying and what you’re getting for what you’re paying. However, you also need to pay attention to how financially secure the insurance provider you’re choosing is so you can be sure of receiving reimbursement for your claims when you’re eligible for it. 
  2. Ignoring policy exclusions- Policy exclusion on home insurance typically include things like earthquake damage, mold damage, and infestation damage. Pay attention to these exclusions and shop around to find a policy that doesn’t exclude coverage for damages that your home could potentially be at risk of. 
  3. Opting for an unaffordably high deductible- High deductibles typically go along with low monthly premiums, so many policyholders choose a policy with a high deductible to save money in the meantime in hopes that they’ll never need to file a claim. Of course, this could leave them in a very difficult situation if damage does occur and a claim needs to be filed. 
  4. Neglecting to shop around for discounts- You may be able to enjoy discounts by getting numerous insurance policies through one provider or by belonging to certain professional associations.

Looking for more advice on choosing the best home insurance policy available? Contact JC Demo Insurance Group with your questions and inquiries. 

Keeping Your Home Green: Tips to Recycle Home Items in Matthews

Every day we come across items that we’re unsure if we should throw away or put in the trash. If your pizza box still has cheese on it, does that mean you can’t recycle it? What about your old clothes with holes in them, can those be recycled? People dedicated to this issue have made a lot of advancements, so here are some tips to start recycling in Matthews, NC. 

You’ve Come a Long Way

Recycling has come a long way in the past few decades, and it seems that practically everything can be recycled now. Programs in different areas vary, but if you’re really motivated you could probably find a way to recycle most household items. Your books, old ratty clothes, and used containers can all be remade into useful new items for someone else, saving our environment and giving you a greener home. 

Bringing Out Your Creativity

Ever have a friend who always seems to have some sort of project or craft idea going on? You can do it too! Turn your old household items into stuff you actually need around the house. It’s particularly fun if you do these ideas with your children to teach them green habits for the future too. Old milk containers make excellent watering cans or make your own candles by melting down old crayons your kids aren’t using anymore. There are practically an endless amount of ideas out there!

JC Demo Insurance Group knows that in Matthews, NC, people need to keep their homes both clean and safe. Recycling certainly helps with the first part, and we’re ready to help you with the latter part. Give us a call if you need a quote for a new homeowners policy today. 

Why You Need Home Insurance in Matthews, North Carolina

For those who have purchased a home in Matthews, North Carolina, it is critical to have homeowner’s insurance. Beyond it being a requirement by law, the more insurance you have in general, the better protected you are from the unexpected. While some people opt not to have insurance for certain things in their lives, your home is something that you don’t have nearly as much control over, and if something catastrophic and unexpected happens to it, the cost of repairs can bankrupt you. Below are some details about why you need home insurance in this suburb of Charlotte.


North Carolina is prone to hurricanes every year as they roll off the coast of Africa and form over the Atlantic Ocean, regularly crashing into Florida, the Carolinas and the rest of the Eastern Seaboard of the United States. Many of these hurricanes don’t hit with full strength, meaning only a limited amount of damage is done to people’s homes that are in their pathway of destruction. If your home happens to be one of these homes, however, it can be incredibly costly. Also, there’s the chance a major hurricane does hit the state squarely, causing mass destruction. This is when homeowner’s insurance for hurricanes and flooding is an absolute must.


As much of North Carolina is wooded, and Matthews is in a relatively suburban and green part of the Charlotte area, fires can be an issue. Without homeowner’s insurance, if your home catches on fire due to natural causes or something catching fire inside your house due to human or mechanical error, you’ll be left homeless when the smoke clears. No one can predict when a fire will happen, but homeowner’s insurance will ensure you are protected.


While Matthews is a very safe suburb, there is still the chance of your home being broken into since there are a lot of people in the area around Matthews in general. Home owner’s insurance will also protect your belongings on this front, though it will be cheaper with an alarm system installed.

For an insurance company that serves the Matthews, North Carolina area try JC Demo Insurance Group for all your homeowner insurance needs.

What to Monitor While House Sitting

So your neighbors or someone else you know asked you to house sit. It could be fun, or it might just be a job for you to do. It depends on the home owner’s and how much time you can spend inside of the Matthews, NC home. Regardless of this though, you need to know what to monitor while house sitting. 


JC Demo Insurance Group points out the most important area you can monitor while house sitting is the water situation. If the home owners turned the heat way down while away, make sure it is set at around 50 or higher. This way you can avoid any possible pipe freezing and bursting. If for whatever reason the power goes out in the winter, turn on a few faucets so there is just a slow, yet steady, drip. This prevents water in the pipes from sitting, helping reduce the chance of freezing. 


Bring in the mail and papers daily. This is one of the most important tasks you have and something you need to stay on top of. Doing this helps prevent identity theft while also giving the appearance of someone living inside of the house. 


When you visit leave lights on, even if you leave. If it is snowing out make sure to pull into the driveway, which leaves tire marks. All of this helps give the impression of someone living in the house. 

Snow in the sidewalk

You need to shovel the driveway and sidewalks around the house when it snows. Not only does this show the house is being lived in but it also helps prevent the home owners from landing a ticket. Home owners can receive a ticket from the city if the sidewalks are not shoveled a day or two after heavy snowfall.