Home Insurance Considerations This Spring

It is forecasted to be an extra chilly winter for North Carolina, and the spring cannot come soon enough for some. Before the buds start blooming and the world turns bright green again be sure to check out your home owner’s insurance policy to make sure you are covered from whatever the wind blows your way. At JC Demo Insurance Group we want to know that all of our clients are protected to matter the weather or the situation so here are a few spring home tips. We serve people in and around Matthews, NC.  

Things to Consider Around the House This Spring

  • When the weather warms and you start your spring cleaning, go beyond de-cluttering. Check for mold damage after winter storms, get rid of standing debris around the frame of the house to prevent water damage, do a full check up. It is best to find any damage early, and it is much more cost effective to prevent an issue than to pay for remediation. If you set aside spring as home check-up time at the same time as your spring cleaning then you will stay on top of any issues. 
  • What are the predictions for the weather for the rest of the year? We recommend you always keep full coverage home insurance as well as a flood policy. But if you don’t happen to have all the protection possible, check the weather forecast for the remainder of the year. It may be prudential to upgrade your policy if the scientist predicts a rough season. 
  • This tip should be done each time the seasons change, four times a year. The first day of spring, summer, fall, and winter is the time to change and check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. A few moments each season can save your life and home. 

Contact us at JC Demo Insurance Group to discuss your home insurance options, and whether you are fully covered. We serve Matthews, NC and the surrounding areas. 

3 Tips for Buying Home Insurance in Matthews, NC

If you are like many other people, purchasing a home will be one of the largest investments you make during your life.  As a result, you need to make sure you protect it. One of the best ways to protect your Matthews, NC home is by purchasing home insurance from JC Demo Insurance Group. To make this process easy, follow the three tips outlined here:

1. Bundle Your Policies

One of the first things you should do when purchasing home insurance is to consider bundling your policies. Do you already have life insurance or car insurance? If so, talk to your existing insurer about a home insurance policy, too. In many cases, by bundling your policies you can save a significant amount of money on your premiums. In the long run, this may help you save quite a bit of money.

2. Compare Quotes

The next step in getting the right home insurance policy is to compare various quotes. Take some time to seek free quotes from several insurance companies and then compare them to find the one that offers the most value. In the long run, this will help you get the right policy for an affordable price.

3. Work with a Reputable Agent

Another important step in purchasing home insurance is to find a reputable insurance agent. He or she will be able to help you find the right policy at the right price. 

When it comes to buying a home insurance policy in Matthews, NC there are more than a few things to consider. Using the help JC Demo Insurance Group will ensure that you get the right policy for your specific needs and budget.

Does Your Home Insurance Policy Provide the Comprehensive Coverage Your Family Needs?

As your family grows and your home increases in value your insurance needs will also change. Many clients neglect to keep their home insurance policy updated with their changing needs. At the JC Demo Insurance Group, we are here to provide that service to our clients in the greater Matthews, NC area. We recommend that our clients review their entire insurance portfolio on a regular basis to makes sure that the coverage levels are up to date and offer the appropriate level of protection for you and your family.

Insurance Coverage Levels Should Change Along With Your Life Changes

As your home value increases or you add more valuable personal articles to your home, such as expensive artwork and electronics, your original insurance policy will likely not provide adequate coverage to protect these items in the event of theft, damage, or destruction. A comprehensive home insurance policy with the necessary riders can protect the home and possessions that you have worked so hard to achieve. Do not let an outdated home insurance policy cause you the stress that can come with a catastrophic event that is not covered by your insurance. Working with a professional agency can provide the necessary insight to keep your policies up to date and current with your coverage needs. You work hard to provide a safe home for your family and give them the things that they desire, it only makes sense to have the necessary coverage to keep those items protected.

At JC Demo Insurance Group we are here to offer our clients in the greater Matthews, NC area the full-service care that they deserve. Our team of dedicated agents is here to work with you as your insurance needs change throughout the years. 

How to Calculate Replacement Cost of Your Home

Most homeowners benefit from having home insurance that covers the replacement cost of rebuilding a home and restoring its contents if it is completely destroyed by a major catastrophe. Talk with your agent at JC Demo Insurance Group, serving Matthews, NC, and the surrounding areas, to make sure your home insurance provides sufficient coverage. Here are some helpful things to understand about how to calculate the replacement cost of your home.

What is included in the replacement cost of a home?

The replacement cost should include the amount needed to rebuild the home back to the same quality and similar style of the home before the calamity. Replacement value is not the same as the market value of the home because the market value also includes the land. Replacement value is also not the same as the mortgage on the home either. The mortgage may be more or less than the replacement value.

An estimate of the replacement value of a home can be made by using public data about average construction costs along with special considerations for the neighborhood and the quality of the home. Insurers usually use these calculations, unless special circumstances apply.

Special Features and Personal Items

If the home has special features, these need to be considered as additional replacement costs. Personal items in the home can be valued by taking an inventory and checking the current prices for similar things. The replacement value is not what the things are worth as used items. Instead, it is what it costs to buy a similar new one. For example, a ten-year-old television may not be worth much, yet to buy a new one, of the same size, would cost a considerable amount more. The insured replacement value of personal items is the cost of new items.


Call your agent at JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC for a review of home insurance coverage to get help with the calculations of the replacement value and discuss any special considerations about your home that differ from the average homes in the same area.

5 Things Your Home Insurance Policy Probably Won’t Cover

Although a home insurance policy is necessary to help protect your home from an array of damages, there is no such thing as ‘full coverage’ with regards to home insurance. This is largely due to the fact that there are too many unforeseen issues that can arise as the result of things such as natural disasters and failing to keep up with regular maintenance, among other things. That said, the following is an overview of 5 things your home insurance policy probably won’t cover. 

Fine Art/ Jewelry

If you have excessively expensive items in your home, you may need to purchase a separate policy to protect those items specifically. The average home insurance policy will likely not pay for excessively priced items unless explicitly stated in the policy. 

Termite Infestation

One of the most unpredictable issues with regards to owning a home, people hardly ever purchase a home with the expectation of it becoming infested by termites. Nevertheless, termite infestations can be very costly and in extreme circumstances, can even leave a home inhabitable. 

Stolen Cash

If you have a large amount of cash lying around your home, you likely have your reasons. Nevertheless, physical cash can be very hard to keep track of so, your insurance company likely won’t just take your word for it that someone broke in and stole your millions. 


According to experts, mold coverage is typically limited to basic home insurance policies if not outright excluded. This is because mold can be both deadly and costly and there is no real way to anticipate the extent of the damages. 


Similar to mold, flood coverage is often limited or excluded for the same reasons. While you certainly have the option to purchase separate flood coverage, your basic home insurance policy will likely do little to protect your home from flood damage.

Overall, for those living in Matthews, NC the JC Demo Insurance Group is a great option for purchasing a home insurance policy. A premier insurance company in Matthews, NC, simply call, email, or stop by the JC Demo Insurance Group office to get a quote and start your policy at once. 

Home insurance coverage options

Having a home means so much to each person. It gives one a sense of belonging and at the same time it is a place where memories are created and shared. So, losing a home can be very devastating especially if you had no other plans. Wondering how you can lose your home? Well, there are various scenarios such as damage caused by floods, hurricanes, storm, and theft among more. You need to be prepared for such unforeseen risks.

JC Demo Insurance Group is an insurance company which has been serving the people of Matthews, NC, for a while. We have had experience dealing with various scenarios, and that has equipped us with knowledge of what homeowners are most interested in. Therefore, if you have decided to buy a home insurance cover but are wondering which coverage to invest in; worry no more. We are here to guide and serve you depending on your needs.

Here are some of our coverage options which you can choose from.

Property Coverage

Your home is a private place. It is where you keep your most important items. Therefore, you need to protect it by all means. We as the JC Demo Insurance Group cover all the expenses and costs associated with property loss or damage. So, if such a scenario happens, you can be sure that you and your family will be safe.

Liability Coverage

As long as someone is on your property, the court assumes that he or she is your responsibility. Therefore, if unfortunately a neighbor or a friend gets into an accident such as falling on the stairs, you are required to cover any medical expenses. If you have no savings, such scenarios can leave financially devastated. On the other hand, with liability coverage, all the risks are taken care of even that of your pets affecting a neighbor.

Additional Expenses Coverage

In case your home is destroyed, you will be forced to move out of your house for a period till it is repaired. At such moments, you may have to live in a hotel, and the expenses can be quite high. So, additional expense coverage takes care of such issues.

Matthews, NC, JC Demo Insurance Group, is here to guide you through all the coverage options in detail. Therefore, please feel free to contact us for more information.


Can I Cancel Home Insurance if I Have a Loan on My Home?

Home insurance can be costly each month but it can also help to cover the damages that may occur to your home. For those that have a mortgage on their home, though it is not required by law, home insurance is something that is vital to being able to take out a loan. For those that live in the Matthews, NC area, the agents with JC Demo Insurance Group can help you to find the right home policy for you.

So the question is do you have to have insurance on a home that you have a loan out on. Put simply, yes. Most loan agencies are not going to offer you any sort of loan or mortgage if you do not hold a home insurance policy on the residence or property that you are trying to insure. The reason for this is that there is no way to recoup losses for the bank or other lending agency should it become damaged or destroyed if there is no home policy present.

The bank or other lending agency is going to work to make sure that they have their bases covered and that they can get their money back, even if the home is completely destroyed and therefore cannot be sold to get their money back. Many home loan agencies and banks will not extend a mortgage or a loan on a home or against the value of a home without there being a satisfactory home insurance policy in place. In many cases, if you get a mortgage without home insurance or without providing home insurance proof to your lending agency they will take out a policy on your home and charge you the premiums each month to pay for it.

If you live in the Matthews, NC area, the agents with JC Demo Insurance Group can help you find the right home policy.

What Happens to My Homeowners Insurance If I Move?

Matthews, NC is nice but what happens if you move?  Will you homeowner’s insurance policy travel with you?  It is important to know what will happen if you move so you can be prepared for what’s to come. JC Demo Insurance Group knows that moving is stressful and that there are things you might forget. One thing that you might forget to ask about is your homeowner’s insurance policy. You might have a home owner’s insurance policy, but what happens to the policy once you move?

Take Action

Nothing happens. Before you move you need to contact your insurance agent to discuss your policy. You can then set up a date of cancellation for the old policy and help you transition to a new policy. Contacting your agent before you move may ensure that there are no gaps in coverage. Waiting to do this task might mean that you go without coverage for a period of time. 

Policy Terms

Looking at the terms of your homeowner’s policy might not be your top priority, but you should make it one.  Knowing your payment schedule and other details are important so you know what you’re dealing with. It is important to know the details so you can make the best decisions as you prepare to move.

Ask Questions

There are additional questions you might have as you think about your homeowner’s insurance. You may ask if you can simply transfer your existing policy?  The answer to this question is no. Every property has different.  Your new home will not be the exact same as the home you are moving from so it requires a new policy.

For more information contact JC Demo Insurance Group to talk to someone about your homeowner’s insurance policy before you move either to or from Matthews, NC.    




What New Homeowners Need to Know When Pricing Out Home Insurance

JC Demo Insurance Group, serving the greater Matthews, NC area, knows that buying home insurance for the first time can be complicated. Here are three tips homeowners need to know when pricing out home insurance to make the process a little bit easier on you.

How Much Coverage You Need

One of the most important things you need to know when pricing out home insurance is how much coverage you will need. The amount of coverage you need has one of biggest influence on the price you will pay. If you don’t know how much coverage you will need, talk to a couple of different insurance agents to get an idea for what they recommend and why.

What Deductible You Can Afford

If you need to file an insurance claim, you will need to pay your deductible before insurance kicks in and covers anything. Carefully consider how much of a deductible you want as it has an influence on the final price you are quoted for homeowners insurance.

What Discounts You Are Eligible For

There are many different discounts you may be eligible for when it comes to home insurance. Bundling policies and having a home security system are just a couple of the discounts you may be eligible for. Always take the time to learn about the various discounts that are offered and find out if you may qualify for any of them. Then be sure to ask about them when getting quotes for home insurance.

If you are looking to price out a new home insurance policy, contact JC Demo Insurance Group, serving the greater Matthews, NC area. Our staff can help you determine what coverage amount you need, the right deductible amount for you and which discounts you may qualify for. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment to discuss your homeowner’s insurance needs.

Don’t Make Costly Home Improvement Mistakes

The purpose of homeowners insurance is to provide financial security in the event of a loss. When disaster or a theft occur, it gives you peace of mind knowing that you have coverage. But in these uncertain economic times, people try to save a few dollars by making their own home improvements. Unfortunately, sometimes saving a few bucks can be a costly mistake and threaten your coverage. At JC Demo Insurance Group, our professionals are committed to helping members of the Matthews, NC community remain properly insured. Please consider these common things that might put you at risk of having a claim denied.

Wood Stoves

Wood burning stoves are and excellent and efficient way to save on energy costs. A few logs and you can heat a home and even prepare a few meals without turning on the oven. While you may have the available space to install one, they need to be done properly. Specific fire code regulations must be followed. To ensure that your insurance policy will cover any loss due to fire, a wood stove must be inspected and approved. You’ll then need to update your homeowners policy to include it.

Activating A Fireplaces

It’s not uncommon for people to buy a home with an inactive fireplace. Just having one in place opens the possibility of warm cozy nights by the fire. But when you purchase a home with a fireplace that doesn’t work, your insurance won’t reflect the risk of open flame. Like wood stoves, it will need to be inspected before used and the homeowners policy updated. Failing to do so could leave you vulnerable to a claim denial. Insurance companies assess the risk of any property when calculating a premium. Incorporating open flame into a home constitutes a change.

It’s imperative to update your policy any time you make a significant home upgrade. At JC Demo Insurance Group, we are available to help members of the Matthews, NC community revise and renew homeowners policies that provide continuous security.