The five biggest mistakes people make when purchasing home insurance

When you choose a home insurance policy, remember that your policy will probably be sticking with you for years to come. This means that any mistakes you make in choosing your policy could cost you some long lasting headaches. 

Before committing to a policy, make sure you avoid the following five common mistakes people make when purchasing home insurance:

  1. Focusing too much on prices- As with any other product, you get what you pay for with home insurance. You need to pay attention to how much you’re paying and what you’re getting for what you’re paying. However, you also need to pay attention to how financially secure the insurance provider you’re choosing is so you can be sure of receiving reimbursement for your claims when you’re eligible for it. 
  2. Ignoring policy exclusions- Policy exclusion on home insurance typically include things like earthquake damage, mold damage, and infestation damage. Pay attention to these exclusions and shop around to find a policy that doesn’t exclude coverage for damages that your home could potentially be at risk of. 
  3. Opting for an unaffordably high deductible- High deductibles typically go along with low monthly premiums, so many policyholders choose a policy with a high deductible to save money in the meantime in hopes that they’ll never need to file a claim. Of course, this could leave them in a very difficult situation if damage does occur and a claim needs to be filed. 
  4. Neglecting to shop around for discounts- You may be able to enjoy discounts by getting numerous insurance policies through one provider or by belonging to certain professional associations.

Looking for more advice on choosing the best home insurance policy available? Contact JC Demo Insurance Group with your questions and inquiries. 

Life Insurance – What are the common different types of life insurance?

Life insurance is important because it allows your family members, whether it be a spouse, children, or parents, to have financial support if you should die.  There are  various types of Life Insurance that can be chosen which offer different financial options and some can offer investment opportunities.  With a bit of knowledge, making the right choice as to which type of life insurance to carry and what fits your needs can be simple.

Term Life is generally the cheapest option for life insurance and the premium paid is a fixed amount each month. This type of life insurance is only good for a fixed amount of time that you pay on it, called a "term".  Once that term is over, which plans usually are 10, 15, 20 or 30 years, so is the life insurance and it will no longer pay out should you die.

Whole Life is considered a permanent policy and will last as long as you are alive and will not expire as term life insurance will.  Premiums are higher than term life but again, are a fixed amount you pay each month.  You can also borrow against the money you have paid in premiums.

Universal Life is also considered a permanent policy but the premium you pay can be flexible as it allows you to change the premium you pay based on a person changing based on life changes.  The premiums also accrue interest which can be used to pay the premium if wanted.

If you want to learn more about each option available and others, call JC Demo Insurance Group at 704-541-5155 or visit us at to learn more about the various types of life insurance and to get started with a new plan. 

Keeping Your Home Green: Tips to Recycle Home Items in Matthews

Every day we come across items that we’re unsure if we should throw away or put in the trash. If your pizza box still has cheese on it, does that mean you can’t recycle it? What about your old clothes with holes in them, can those be recycled? People dedicated to this issue have made a lot of advancements, so here are some tips to start recycling in Matthews, NC. 

You’ve Come a Long Way

Recycling has come a long way in the past few decades, and it seems that practically everything can be recycled now. Programs in different areas vary, but if you’re really motivated you could probably find a way to recycle most household items. Your books, old ratty clothes, and used containers can all be remade into useful new items for someone else, saving our environment and giving you a greener home. 

Bringing Out Your Creativity

Ever have a friend who always seems to have some sort of project or craft idea going on? You can do it too! Turn your old household items into stuff you actually need around the house. It’s particularly fun if you do these ideas with your children to teach them green habits for the future too. Old milk containers make excellent watering cans or make your own candles by melting down old crayons your kids aren’t using anymore. There are practically an endless amount of ideas out there!

JC Demo Insurance Group knows that in Matthews, NC, people need to keep their homes both clean and safe. Recycling certainly helps with the first part, and we’re ready to help you with the latter part. Give us a call if you need a quote for a new homeowners policy today. 

Do I really need commercial vehicle insurance?

For many small business owners, it can seem as if commercial vehicle insurance is an expense they can skip.  Many people simply assume that their personal auto insurance policy will cover them if they’re ever in an accident.  Unfortunately, too many business owners find out too late that this is rarely the case.  

Call an agent today if any of the following situations apply to you or your business.

  1. Your business owns a vehicle.  If the title for a vehicle is held by your business (as opposed to being held by you personally), then you need to have commercial auto insurance.  Many personal auto insurance policies have restrictions that state the policy holder will not be covered in a company-owned vehicle.  Keep this in mind if you transfer the title of your personal car to your business.
  2. You use your vehicle for business more than 20% of the time.  Using your personal vehicle for business on a regular basis could void parts of your auto insurance coverage.  To make up for it, a commercial insurance policy needs to be purchased.  It will provide coverage only when the vehicle is being used for business.
  3. You store business items in your personal vehicle.  If you don’t have a rider on your personal auto insurance policy that covers business property, then you need to buy a commercial insurance policy to protect things such as inventory, equipment, and computers.  If these items are stolen or damaged in your vehicle, a commercial auto insurance policy could pay to repair or replace them.

If these situations apply to you or your business, call the insurance agents at JC Demo Insurance Group.

Recognizing Fender Bender Fraud

Fraudulent car insurance claims start with an individual trying to obtain money by staging an accident. These incidences can increase your insurance rates, add blemishes to your driving record, and cause you to lose lots of money. Before shelling out thousands of dollars to a criminal, you should know how to recognize fender bender fraud and be prepared if it happens to you.

The Swoop and Squat

In busy traffic, at a traffic signal, or at an onramp, a driver will swoop in front of you and then stop. Rear-ending someone is usually that person’s fault even if the other driver did the wrong thing. You should look out for people who want to squeeze between you and the car in front of you. It is safer to just let them in and slow down.

The Phantom Victim

You are in a car accident and someone that was not in the accident files a claim with your insurance company. That person claims that they were a passenger in one of the vehicles that was hit. They also say they have injuries that need financial retribution. To avoid this, you should gather the names of all of the passengers in each vehicle, if possible.

The Sideswipe

You are in the inner lane of a two-lane left turn. You slightly drift into the far lane as you turn and the outside lane driver hits you on purpose. They can claim that you were at fault because you were not in your lane. Be vigilant and avoid drivers who are speeding in the turning lanes.

JC Demo Insurance Group understands the damage a fraudulent insurance claim can have on innocent victims. If you suspect you are the target of a staged accident, the agents at JC Demo Insurance Group can offer advice and answer questions. They can also search for policy quotes for new insurance coverage and existing policyholders.

Why You Need Home Insurance in Matthews, North Carolina

For those who have purchased a home in Matthews, North Carolina, it is critical to have homeowner’s insurance. Beyond it being a requirement by law, the more insurance you have in general, the better protected you are from the unexpected. While some people opt not to have insurance for certain things in their lives, your home is something that you don’t have nearly as much control over, and if something catastrophic and unexpected happens to it, the cost of repairs can bankrupt you. Below are some details about why you need home insurance in this suburb of Charlotte.


North Carolina is prone to hurricanes every year as they roll off the coast of Africa and form over the Atlantic Ocean, regularly crashing into Florida, the Carolinas and the rest of the Eastern Seaboard of the United States. Many of these hurricanes don’t hit with full strength, meaning only a limited amount of damage is done to people’s homes that are in their pathway of destruction. If your home happens to be one of these homes, however, it can be incredibly costly. Also, there’s the chance a major hurricane does hit the state squarely, causing mass destruction. This is when homeowner’s insurance for hurricanes and flooding is an absolute must.


As much of North Carolina is wooded, and Matthews is in a relatively suburban and green part of the Charlotte area, fires can be an issue. Without homeowner’s insurance, if your home catches on fire due to natural causes or something catching fire inside your house due to human or mechanical error, you’ll be left homeless when the smoke clears. No one can predict when a fire will happen, but homeowner’s insurance will ensure you are protected.


While Matthews is a very safe suburb, there is still the chance of your home being broken into since there are a lot of people in the area around Matthews in general. Home owner’s insurance will also protect your belongings on this front, though it will be cheaper with an alarm system installed.

For an insurance company that serves the Matthews, North Carolina area try JC Demo Insurance Group for all your homeowner insurance needs.

Premium Gas Vs Regular, What’s the Difference

Many people claim that it is necessary to run premium gas through your car at all times to protect the engine and to make sure it is performing at peak efficiency. That being said, premium gas normally runs at least ten cents higher in price than regular unleaded gasoline and many simply cannot afford that price raise. So what is the actual difference in these grades of gasoline, the answer is simpler than you might imagine.

The main difference between each grade of gasoline is the temperature at which the gas combusts to make your car run. Lower grade gas burns at a lower temperature meaning that it is likely to leave more residue in your engine which may end up making your car run worse over time. The higher the grade gasoline the higher temperature that it runs which means that it is going to burn cleaner and leave less residue behind.

Now this difference may or may not affect the performance of your car. Overall, using lower grade gas is not going to make a brand new car run like it is twenty years old. Over time lower grade gas may cause build up in your engine but with a great gas cleaner that is run through the gas lines every so often you can clean up this residue and get your car back to tip top shape.

Some engines do run better with a higher grade gasoline in them which means that it may be beneficial to use a higher grade gasoline. If you feel that your car needs premium gas by all means use premium but do not think that regular gas is going to ruin your car. Another important factor when driving is your insurance coverage. JC Demo Insurance Group can help you get the right coverage for you every time.  

Top 3 Tips to Avoid Fender Bender Fraud

The trouble with accidents is that you can never truly know when one is going to happen. No matter if you’re involved a major crash or a minor fender bender, there could be physical and even psychological damages. Moreover, there is always the potential of coming into contact with someone who is dishonest. Making a bad situation worse, many have become victims of fender bender fraud for simply being kind. With that said, the following is an overview of three ways to avoid fender bender fraud.

3. Never Leave the Scene– One of the biggest mistake anyone can make is leaving the scene without contacting the authorities. Unless you have had your accident properly documented, if you discover damages at a later time, it will then be your word against the other driver’s… which, usually doesn’t end well. 

2.  Never Embellish Your Story- Although it may be tempting to try and get the other driver to cover expenses that are not related to the accident in question, doing so could compromise the integrity of your case a whole. One of the top ways judges tend to gauge who is telling the truth is by paying attention to who is the most consistent. Lying leaves room for you to forget your story and change it over time. Just don’t do it!

1. Call On Your Witnesses– Lastly, if you have any witnesses, that can help seal your case. There are few things as powerful in court as an eyewitness account. 

Serving the North Carolina area, the JC Demo Insurance Group can provide you with all the tools you need to protect your vehicle on the road. No matter what kind of coverage you need, JC Demo can provide a package that encompasses what you’re looking for. 

What to Monitor While House Sitting

So your neighbors or someone else you know asked you to house sit. It could be fun, or it might just be a job for you to do. It depends on the home owner’s and how much time you can spend inside of the Matthews, NC home. Regardless of this though, you need to know what to monitor while house sitting. 


JC Demo Insurance Group points out the most important area you can monitor while house sitting is the water situation. If the home owners turned the heat way down while away, make sure it is set at around 50 or higher. This way you can avoid any possible pipe freezing and bursting. If for whatever reason the power goes out in the winter, turn on a few faucets so there is just a slow, yet steady, drip. This prevents water in the pipes from sitting, helping reduce the chance of freezing. 


Bring in the mail and papers daily. This is one of the most important tasks you have and something you need to stay on top of. Doing this helps prevent identity theft while also giving the appearance of someone living inside of the house. 


When you visit leave lights on, even if you leave. If it is snowing out make sure to pull into the driveway, which leaves tire marks. All of this helps give the impression of someone living in the house. 

Snow in the sidewalk

You need to shovel the driveway and sidewalks around the house when it snows. Not only does this show the house is being lived in but it also helps prevent the home owners from landing a ticket. Home owners can receive a ticket from the city if the sidewalks are not shoveled a day or two after heavy snowfall. 

Gas Mileage Tips for North Carolina Drivers

Many people who live in the Charlotte, North Carolina suburb of Matthews commute into the middle of the city on a daily basis. This can cost a lot of money in gas, even when oil prices are low. However, there are some ways to cut gas expenditures down significantly. Below are some tips for increasing gas mileage and reducing the amount you spend on gas on a daily basis when commuting from Matthews to Charlotte or anywhere else in North Carolina and beyond.


While traffic is relatively unpredictable, try not to drive during rush hours, as the more time you spend idling in traffic the worse your gas mileage usually will be. The more you can be moving while in your vehicle, the better, as you will get farther on less gas.


Using the air conditioner and heater will cost you a good amount of gas over time, especially if it is on full blast. So try to limit your air conditioner and heater use depending on the season in North Carolina and you will see better gas mileage results and ultimately pay less at the pump.


Tires that are low will slow the car down and significantly reduce gas mileage. It is also dangerous to drive with low tires as they may more easily result in a blow out at high speeds. So make sure your tires are properly inflated at all times.


Try buying or leasing another vehicle that is more fuel efficient, like a hybrid that gets double the miles per gallon most regular cars get. Of course, when you get a new vehicle it means getting new insurance to protect your investment, allowing you to see the monetary benefits over time of what you see at the pump. Check out JC Demo Insurance Group who serves the Matthews, North Carolina area for competitive rates.