3 Reasons Why Young People Need Life Insurance

Chances are, if you’re in your 20’s or 30’s, you’re not sure why you should buy life insurance. But purchasing this type of coverage while you’re young carries many benefits. In order to protect your young family and try your hand at investing, here’s why you should buy life insurance in Matthews, NC.

1. Pay Off Loans In Case Of Death

Since you’re still young, you may feel invincible. You’re not immune to death, however. Unfortunately, if you should die young, your debts will not die with you.

If you have student loans, for instance, they can’t be forgiven, even if your family demonstrates that you cannot pay them back. In the case of your passing, your next of kin would automatically adopt those debts.

If you purchase life insurance from JC Demo Insurance Group, though, you can opt for a policy that would pay your debts off.

2. Protect Your Business And Family

As the breadwinner of your family, what would happen if you suddenly passed away?

In an instant, your family would lose its main source of income. On top of lacking money to live off of, they would have to cover your burial expenses.

Buying life insurance while you’re young provides a financial cushion for your young family Not only would your funeral expenses be covered, but your family would get enough money to tide them over in the wake of your sudden death. They can have an income to tide them over as they get back up on their feet.

3. Life Insurance As An Investment

Have you ever thought of life insurance as an investment?

As a young policyholder, you can profit from this investment. Certain life policies can offer you payout’s even while you are alive. Those life policies can be used as a loan of sorts; you can borrow against them in order to pay off your other possessions, such as your home or car.

Building enough equity through your life policy to make it a viable investment requires you to hold the policy for many years. The younger you are when you purchase your policy, the better an investment it will be for you in the future.

Are you ready to future proof your life while you’re still young? Contact a friendly JC Demo Insurance Group agent to determine what policy works best for you. Purchase a life insurance policy in Matthews, NC today.

Three Insurance Mistakes That Put Your Business At Risk

Like most business owners, chances are you’re constantly looking for ways to cut unnecessary expenditures from your budget. But when it comes to your business insurance, cutting corners can be costly. Here are the top three costly insurance mistakes JC Demo Insurance Group has found many business owners make when it comes to their insurance coverage. 

Lack of Risk Management Strategies 

With proper risk management programs in place, you can lower your insurance premiums. Preventative strategies such as installing a central burglar alarm, using security cameras, updating older buildings, and using client contracts can reduce your Property, and General Liability premiums, and reduce E&O lawsuit risks.  

Paying For Unnecessary Insurance Policies 

Spending money on something your business doesn’t need is like putting cash in the trash. Every business is not alike and does not have the same insurance needs. When you work with an agent who is experienced with your type of business or industry, they already know the risks you face and can tailor your coverage accordingly. Smart business owners don’t pay for coverage they don’t need and maximize the coverage of insurance they may need for unforeseen events.  

Not Updating Your Insurance Plans 

Changes in your business, even small changes, can affect your insurance policy coverage and needs. If you don’t update your policies to reflect those changes, you could either be lacking in crucial coverage or be paying too much for coverage you no longer need. If you move to a new location, hire or fire employees, start offering new services, or invest in expensive new equipment or real estate, you will probably need to amend your policy to reflect those changes. In general, even if you think you haven’t made any significant business changes, you should have your insurance plans reviewed every six months to a year.  

Talk to your Matthews, NC business insurance experts today about the safety measures you can implement to protect your business and assets. At JC Demo Insurance Group, our agents can steer your business in the right direction and ensure you have the coverage you need. 

Auto Insurance Comes In A Variety Of Flavors

Just like the flavors of ice cream, auto insurance is available in a variety of policies and packages to meet the needs of a variety of car owners. It might be a little bewildering if you discover your friend has insurance that appears to be very different from yours. Visit us at JC Demo Insurance Group and we’ll help you understand your auto insurance coverage. We’ll also help you find better coverage if that’s what you need, and we’ll sign you up right there so you don’t have to make phone calls or visit more offices. We’re happy to be of service to the neighborhoods around Matthews, NC and look forward to meeting you.

A variety of auto insurance policies provides coverage for all kinds of auto owners. This includes a minimum liability that is required by North Carolina law for all auto owners. It comprises a certain amount of coverage for bodily injury and property damage liability. It also requires coverage for uninsured motorist liability. What that means is that if you have an unfortunate encounter with someone who carries no insurance, your needs will be met. 

Beyond the basic coverage are several options for further protection. Collision insurance, comprehensive insurance, car rental insurance, and towing & repair coverage are all available. These are optional according to state law. However, if you are making payments on your auto then your lending agent has the right to require these kinds of coverage. We can help auto owners around the Matthews, NC area sort this out. At JC Demo Insurance Group we’d be glad to sit down with you and explain the differences. We’ll help you choose the best policy for your needs, and enroll you right there. Call or visit today.

3 Tips for Buying Home Insurance in Matthews, NC

If you are like many other people, purchasing a home will be one of the largest investments you make during your life.  As a result, you need to make sure you protect it. One of the best ways to protect your Matthews, NC home is by purchasing home insurance from JC Demo Insurance Group. To make this process easy, follow the three tips outlined here:

1. Bundle Your Policies

One of the first things you should do when purchasing home insurance is to consider bundling your policies. Do you already have life insurance or car insurance? If so, talk to your existing insurer about a home insurance policy, too. In many cases, by bundling your policies you can save a significant amount of money on your premiums. In the long run, this may help you save quite a bit of money.

2. Compare Quotes

The next step in getting the right home insurance policy is to compare various quotes. Take some time to seek free quotes from several insurance companies and then compare them to find the one that offers the most value. In the long run, this will help you get the right policy for an affordable price.

3. Work with a Reputable Agent

Another important step in purchasing home insurance is to find a reputable insurance agent. He or she will be able to help you find the right policy at the right price. 

When it comes to buying a home insurance policy in Matthews, NC there are more than a few things to consider. Using the help JC Demo Insurance Group will ensure that you get the right policy for your specific needs and budget.

Top five trends in life insurance 2018

Often at times, planning for death may sound bizarre. The fact of the matter is, death is inevitable and it’s important that an individual plan for it. It is for this reason that one should consider getting a good life insurance policy.

With 2018 slowly coming to an end, there have been a number of key trends in the life insurance industry which will definitely affect both customers and insurance companies. Here are the top five trends that have had a vulnerability in 2018.

1. Use of cloud computing

Most millennial have kept off from getting a life insurance plan due to the hustle in getting all the required details. This process has been thought to exhausting and time-consuming. With the introduction of cloud computing, most information required will be easily accessed.

2. The internet advantage

Previously, most steps in getting an insurance cover required a physical meeting between the insurance agent and customer. The internet has however improved convenience since you are now able to purchase an insurance plan from the comfort of your home.

3. Automated underwritings

Introduction of automation tools in the insurance sector has improved customers satisfaction with insurance agents effectively interacting with customers and automatically tracking changes in their underwriting details.

4. Incorporation of the blockchain.

Integration of blockchain in the life insurance industry has led to the provision of a more transparent system for both insurance agents and clients. In addition, it has made the process more flexible and improved security with its audit-ability technique.

5. Multi-channel access

With the fact that most customer needs are digitally inclined, insurance companies have had to embrace the use of smart and seamless was in order that their customers can easily follow through their plans and get the opportunity to regularly update their details from anyplace.

At Matthews, NC, JC Demo Insurance Group, we offer a wide range of life insurance options to both new and existing customers. Call us or visit us today so that we can provide advice and solutions in regards to the 2018 life insurance trends which will be of great benefit to you.

Make Sure Commerical Insurance Covers Business Interruption

Property damage is an obvious risk from natural disasters like hurricanes. Less obvious is damage that can be caused by business interruption. Even if the commercial building for the business is not damaged, the lack of electricity for extended periods, after a natural disaster, can cause such a severe loss of business revenues that the business may fail unless it has adequate business interruption insurance.

The good people at JC Demo Insurance Group, serving Matthews, NC, and the surrounding area, know very well about the impact of hurricanes on the businesses in the state of North Carolina. They highly recommend that all businesses conduct a commercial insurance review to make sure they have adequate coverage. Business interruption insurance is an important part of their overall protection.

How does business interruption insurance work?

Business interruption insurance is meant to cover the expenses that continue during the period when a business is forced to stop operations. Some expenses are variable and can be paused while the business is not operating. Other expenses are fixed and continue if the business is operating or not.

Work with your insurance agent to separate the business expenses into those two categories to make a monthly estimate of those expenses that must be paid and cannot be stopped.

The next part of the estimate needed for adequate coverage is making an educated guess about how long a business will be forced to stop operating. Minor emergencies, such as street repairs that block customers from being able to enter the facility, are less challenging. Major natural disasters are able to stop a business from operating for many months.

It is bad enough when the area where your business is located suffers severe damage caused by a natural disaster. A wise business owner has business interruption insurance so they do not also lose their business in the aftermath. Contact your agent at JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC to get a quote.

Does Your Home Insurance Policy Provide the Comprehensive Coverage Your Family Needs?

As your family grows and your home increases in value your insurance needs will also change. Many clients neglect to keep their home insurance policy updated with their changing needs. At the JC Demo Insurance Group, we are here to provide that service to our clients in the greater Matthews, NC area. We recommend that our clients review their entire insurance portfolio on a regular basis to makes sure that the coverage levels are up to date and offer the appropriate level of protection for you and your family.

Insurance Coverage Levels Should Change Along With Your Life Changes

As your home value increases or you add more valuable personal articles to your home, such as expensive artwork and electronics, your original insurance policy will likely not provide adequate coverage to protect these items in the event of theft, damage, or destruction. A comprehensive home insurance policy with the necessary riders can protect the home and possessions that you have worked so hard to achieve. Do not let an outdated home insurance policy cause you the stress that can come with a catastrophic event that is not covered by your insurance. Working with a professional agency can provide the necessary insight to keep your policies up to date and current with your coverage needs. You work hard to provide a safe home for your family and give them the things that they desire, it only makes sense to have the necessary coverage to keep those items protected.

At JC Demo Insurance Group we are here to offer our clients in the greater Matthews, NC area the full-service care that they deserve. Our team of dedicated agents is here to work with you as your insurance needs change throughout the years. 

Does My Old Car Need Insurance On It?

A lot of people get confused when it comes to knowing whether or not they need to invest in car insurance. What many people fail to realize, though, is that instead of an expense, auto insurance will oftentimes serve as a valuable asset. If you have an older car, truck, or SUV, and you are wondering whether or not you need to have insurance on it, the answer is yes. Here at the JC Demo Insurance Group serving Matthews, NC, we’ve put together a helpful go-to guide to help you understand why your old car needs insurance on it. 

You Never Know When an Accident can Happen

Some people believe that just because they have a car that isn’t worth very much, this means they don’t need to spend money on protecting it with auto insurance. But the truth of the matter is, you never know when an accident could happen. And just because you aren’t worried about having the financial means to replace your old car, this doesn’t mean you can afford the medical and property damage expenses that often accompany an accident. This is a good reason why you need to have insurance on your old car. 

It’s Required by Law

According to the law, you must have car insurance in the state of North Carolina. With this in mind, it becomes common sense that you need to invest in auto insurance. Even if you don’t own a car, you have to purchase a non-owners liability insurance policy. 

To learn more about needing auto insurance on an old car, contact JC Demo Insurance Group serving Matthews, NC. 

What Do I Need to Make a Life Insurance Claim?

When a loved one passes on during the term of their life insurance policy – this means the policy didn’t mature – any of the named beneficiaries can claim the proceeds. The claim is known as ‘Life Insurance claim’ or ‘death claim.’ At JC Demo Insurance Group, we can help you with your life insurance claim in Matthews, NC.

How to make a life insurance claim

The most crucial step you must take is to inform the insurance company about the death of the insured. According to insurance companies, there are two main classifications of death – ‘early death’ as well as ‘non-early death.’ They are based on the time the insured took the policy. An early death means the insured died within 3 years of acquiring the life plan.

The papers required to file a death claim for these two types of deaths can vary depending on the insurance company. So, make sure you approach the insurer to get the claim intimation form. You should also ask them to clarify more about the documents you need to provide for the claim.

Document checklist

Usually, a life insurance claim requires these documents:

  • The original policy document
  • The death certificate
  • Police FIR (if an unnatural death occurred)
  • Hospital records (if the deceased passed on due to an illness)
  • Medical certificate (to show cause of death)
  • ID proof of any beneficiary
  • Discharge form
  • Post-mortem report (if an unnatural death occurred)

Being a claimant, you need to make a claim immediately after the insured dies. Ensure you have all the required documents too. Once you submit the claim, the insurance company should issue a settlement shortly. But, you must determine how the funds will be distributed.

JC Demo Insurance Group has been offering numerous insurance services to Matthews, NC residents. Contact us for more information about life insurance and the claim process.


Can I get insurance to cover times when my business is closed through no fault of my own?

Business owners in Matthews, NC know that there aren’t any guarantees when it comes to predicting how much business you will do in any given time. Some variation is normal, but a real business stoppage could seriously harm the business. At  JC Demo Insurance Group, we help small businesses that need this kind of protection. 

Why Do Business Stoppages Happen? 

Changing seasons bring in different kinds of customers, and sometimes of the year may be very quiet, especially with certain types of businesses. But sometimes a real catastrophe occurs, and the business really has to close until the situation changes. 

A catastrophe includes acts of nature, like an explosion, a tornado, a big winter storm or a tropical storm. Even a fire could cause you to suspend business operations while you take care of rebuilding or moving. 

Expenses Keep Piling Up

While your business is closed, the bills keep coming in. You still need to pay your mortgage, utilities, and other regular bills. 

You will also need to deal with your employees in some way. They can’t do with the loss of income either, as their own bills will still keep come in.

How Much Business Interruption Insurance Do You Need?

Some businesses can be moved to a temporary location while the main problem is dealt with. In those cases, you might not need as much protection. 

Whatever you do, keep good records. The amount you can claim will depend a lot on how much your business loses by being closed. 

A business interruption insurance policy in Matthews, NC is usually part of a commercial insurance package. Call  JC Demo Insurance Group today to make sure your business has the protection it needs.