Is Your Auto Insurance Coverage Too Low?

Have you ever wondered if your car insurance coverage was enough to take care of you in the event of a serious accident? Our JC Demo Insurance Group team has put together this short guide to help you determine whether the coverage you carry on your auto insurance policy is just right or too low.

Understanding State Minimum Limits for North Carolina Drivers

Before we can discuss whether a basic policy is sufficient, it is important to know what’s required by law. In North Carolina, the minimum liability limits are $30,000 per person for bodily injury with a $65,000 maximum aggregate per accident. Drivers are also required to carry $25,000 or more in property damage coverage. Comprehensive and collision coverage is considered a first-party coverage and is not required unless you have a loan on your vehicle.

Is State Minimum Coverage High Enough?

In most cases, state minimum coverage is high enough. However, if you’re involved in a major accident that is determined to be your fault, there’s a chance that this amount is not high enough. Medical bills for a serious incident easily range in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and repairs to fix brand-new vehicles can easily exceed a $25,000 threshold.

Why You Should Consider a Higher Limit

One of the most common questions North Carolina drivers ask is whether they should carry higher limits on their auto insurance policy. If you have substantial assets—like a home or a business—or a moderate income, state minimum limits might not be enough if you’re involved in a serious accident. In turn, this could potentially leave you open to a possible lawsuit in the future.

JC Demo Insurance Group is proud to assist Matthews, NC residents with all of their auto insurance needs. Please contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Home Insurance for Newbies

Home insurance may be new for those who are buying their first home. There are a few things that you should know when you are looking for a policy. Talk to a professional, like the ones at JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC so that you can ask questions that they will be able to answer.

Basic Insurance Coverage

  • Internal and external damage may be covered if it states in your policy that you will be covered for costs associated with damages to your home due to storms, vandalism, lightning, and fire. If your home had flood or earthquake damage, you would need to get a special policy, known as a rider, to cover the cost of the repairs.

  • Your clothing, furniture, and appliances can be replaced, repaired, or reimbursed for the cost depending on your plan’s details.

  • Liability would be a big issue if someone trips and falls on your property, and they were injured due to your negligence. You would have to spend thousands of dollars out-of-pocket for the individual’s medical costs. If you have to go to court, you could also pay court and lawyer fees. This could be avoided with liability insurance attached to your homeowner’s policy.

Replacement Coverage

  • Actual cash value is when your damaged items are refunded minus depreciation costs. If your furniture is destroyed in a fire, then the actual cash value would be the value of the furniture at today’s prices, not at the price you paid for it.

  • Replacement cost is the value of your damaged property at its cost but without the depreciation.

When you’re ready, you can stop by the offices of JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC to start your insurance policy today. You can also get great information about life insurance, auto insurance, and commercial insurance.


Bundling your business indurance coverage

Business insurance is complicated because of the many issues involved in creating coverage for business owners. One solution is the Business Owners Policy, or BOP, that combines protection from all the areas of risks and liabilities in one package. The JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC can help you determine the level of coverage our business needs. You can get the whole package or any part of the package that you decide you need.

The policy starts with coverage for the building and contents. If you don’t own the building, you would still need contents coverage. There is also specialized coverage for certain types of content coverage.

The BOP also includes business interruption coverage which covers the loss of income if you are unable to operate your business. If there is a fire or some other catastrophe that stops your business from operating, you would have your income covered. It can also cover the costs of operating from another location.

A third part of the package is liability coverage. This would be a basic liability policy covering things like accidents where people get hurt o your property. It would also cover you for any liability from a product you made that was used off the property.

 A business owners policy does not cover auto insurance, workers compensation or health insurance for employees. Those would have to be bought separately but could be included in your overall portfolio of coverages.

Bundling your coverages like this can save you some money. They also offer you a lot of flexibility as you can mix and match portions to your needs. Stop by or call the JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC to learn more about getting insurance for your business. We can help you understand all your options and help you get the best insurance for your situation.



What does life insurance cover?

Life insurance is an asset that some take for granted in Matthews, NC. It is not until the unfortunate happens, though, that an indemnity plan as such becomes an absolute treasure. You should understand the details of any assurance plan before agreeing to pay a monthly premium.

An agent from JC Demo Insurance Group can help you determine which indemnity policy works best for your lifestyle. Read this article about the basics of life insurance before scheduling your meeting!

What is life insurance?

Life insurance is a plan that allows you to have a bit of serenity. A life assurance policy pays for your final expenses so that your loved ones do not have the extra burden of trying to figure out how to cover funeral costs and other bills. A life indemnity plan may also cover lingering expenses such as mortgage payments and credit card bills left behind after a death.

The best life insurance policy provides enough financial support for family members to survive after an individual’s untimely death in Matthews NC. Such is the reason why some breadwinners choose to pay higher premiums for more coverage.

Call us for help!

There are various stipulations in a life assurance plan that could lead to forfeiture of coverage. Such is the reason why it is important that you speak with an agent from JC Demo Insurance Group before agreeing to a policy that may not fit your lifestyle needs.

An agent can help you understand the criteria used to determine your monthly premium amount. He can also explain your responsibilities as a policyholder. Call JC Demo Insurance Group today for a life insurance quote that gets you headed in the direction of better financial security in Matthews, NC!

What You Should Look for in Your Home Insurance Quote

When shopping for home insurance in Matthews, NC, you should get multiple quotes first. There are certain things to consider so you can find the best policy.

What the Policy Covers and Doesn’t: Home insurance offers a broad type of coverage, but there are some things that won’t be covered. Anticipating possible incidents can help eliminate surprises and give you an idea of where to set your coverage limits. It can also give you an idea of what other insurance plans you need, like flood insurance.

Coverage for Your Personal Items: Home insurance will provide coverage for your belongings, but there will be a limit on certain items. If you know the value of your stuff, you can make sure your policy provides enough coverage and see if you need to get any additional coverage.

Rebuilding: You want to be able to rebuild your house after a disaster, so your policy will need to provide protection that is equal to or greater than the rebuilding cost of your home and not just the purchase price. The rebuilding cost needs to take into account the cost of materials, as well as any construction costs. Replacement cost coverage will cover items without subtracting for depreciation.

Discounts: There may be discounts if you are doing things like adding extra security to your home, or if you are paying your policy online. An agent at JC Demo Insurance Group can explain any discounts that would be available to you.

Your Deductible: Coverage will require you to pay for a deductible before your policy will kick in. A deductible will affect your premium, so you should weigh the pros and costs of a lower or higher deducible when looking at your policy.

Contact JC Demo Insurance Group, serving Matthews, NC, to get a quote on home insurance. 

Car insurance terminology

Like most states, North Carolina requires basic liability coverage on your automobiles, as well as some coverage for non-insured or under-insured motorists. Visit the JC Demo insurance Group in Matthews, NC to get the coverage you need for your automobile. 

Liability, of course, covers damages you cause to another car, or injuries in an accident where you are at fault.  There are some basic limits as to how much to have, but many car owners have more than the minimum. There are people who do not obey the law, and if they cause an accident, you may not be able to collect from them. That is where non-insured or under-insured coverage can protect you.

 Collision coverage covers damage to your car when you drive it into something. That something can be another car, or a tree, or a building. It covers your car when it is damaged. This is optional coverage, but you may be required to have it by the lender if you owe money on the car. If the car has high value it is a good idea to have this kind of coverage.

Comprehensive is the other main kind of insurance, and this covers everything else. This covers damage to your car from things like storms, floods, trees falling and so forth. It also covers windshield damage, fire, theft and other things out of your control.  This is also optional coverage that most people have if they have a newer car.

Call or visit the JC Demo Insurance Group on Matthews, NC to make sure you have the right coverage for your car. You may visit in person or online to get the coverage you need. If you are going to change cars, it is also a good idea to let your insurance company know before the purchase is made.

Can Anyone be a Life Insurance Beneficiary?

Although you can name practically anyone to be the beneficiary of your life insurance policy, it only makes sense to select individuals you want to help financially after you’re gone. Life proceeds can provide financial support to one or more people for years to come. By choosing wisely, you can ensure these funds are put to excellent use. If you’re unsure who to select as a beneficiary, consider the following:

You Can Choose More Than One Beneficiary

You can choose more than one beneficiary to receive proceeds from your life insurance policy. You can divide proceeds evenly between your beneficiaries or designate the percentage you want each beneficiary to receive. Having control over the distribution of life benefits makes it easier for you to help loved ones in Matthews, NC in the way you feel they need it most.

Beneficiaries Can Be Primary or Contingent 

Your primary beneficiary is your first choice for receiving life proceeds upon your demise. This can be one or several people. If all your primary beneficiaries expire before you do, life benefits automatically go to your contingent (or secondary) beneficiary, which may be one or more people as well. Having both primary and contingent beneficiaries ensures funds are distributed the way you want.

Beneficiaries can be Revocable or Irrevocable

A revocable beneficiary can be replaced if you change your mind later on. An irrevocable beneficiary cannot – unless he or she gives consent. If you purchase a life policy when you’re young, it may be to your advantage to designate your beneficiaries as revocable as it gives you a chance to reconsider if your situation changes later down the line.

A life insurance policy from JC Demo Insurance Group can provide financial security for loved ones after you’re gone. For greater insight into life insurance options and costs, contact JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC.

How do I know if I need business interruption insurance?

When you choose a commercial insurance policy at  JC Demo Insurance Group, you get a lot of options. You know the obvious needs of your small business in Matthews, NC, such as property insurance and general liability. You may need business auto insurance or worker’s compensation.

You may not realize how vulnerable you are if you don’t also have business interruption insurance. Before making your final decision, you should consider the kinds of expenses covered by this sort of policy and when it comes into effect. 

When does a Business Interruption Policy start working?

Nobody wants to think their business could be the victim or a disaster, but it happens all too often. A fire, vandalism or a natural disaster could cause your business to stop operations.

During that time, your creditors, vendors, utilities, and others will still expect you to meet your responsibilities. Money won’t be coming in, but it will continue to go out.

What kinds of expenses your Business Interruption Policy will cover

Your policy will protect you for the amount of money you would have been able to earn, based on your financial records, if you were doing regular business. That means that if you have a Business Interruption Policy, you will still be able to pay

  • Utility bills
  • Employee wages and benefits
  • Payments on your property, whether a mortgage or rent
  • Taxes
  • Other regular business needs.

Even a short outage could cause you to lose customers forever. In the meantime, you will be dipping into savings or scrambling to pay the bills.

You want to protect your Matthews, NC business from any serious losses. If you think this kind of policy could benefit you, feel free to call JC Demo Insurance Group today to discuss your options.

Home Insurance Considerations This Spring

It is forecasted to be an extra chilly winter for North Carolina, and the spring cannot come soon enough for some. Before the buds start blooming and the world turns bright green again be sure to check out your home owner’s insurance policy to make sure you are covered from whatever the wind blows your way. At JC Demo Insurance Group we want to know that all of our clients are protected to matter the weather or the situation so here are a few spring home tips. We serve people in and around Matthews, NC.  

Things to Consider Around the House This Spring

  • When the weather warms and you start your spring cleaning, go beyond de-cluttering. Check for mold damage after winter storms, get rid of standing debris around the frame of the house to prevent water damage, do a full check up. It is best to find any damage early, and it is much more cost effective to prevent an issue than to pay for remediation. If you set aside spring as home check-up time at the same time as your spring cleaning then you will stay on top of any issues. 
  • What are the predictions for the weather for the rest of the year? We recommend you always keep full coverage home insurance as well as a flood policy. But if you don’t happen to have all the protection possible, check the weather forecast for the remainder of the year. It may be prudential to upgrade your policy if the scientist predicts a rough season. 
  • This tip should be done each time the seasons change, four times a year. The first day of spring, summer, fall, and winter is the time to change and check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. A few moments each season can save your life and home. 

Contact us at JC Demo Insurance Group to discuss your home insurance options, and whether you are fully covered. We serve Matthews, NC and the surrounding areas. 

Who Will Require Me to Have Auto Insurance?

If you are a car owner in the Matthews NC area, it is extremely important that you take this responsibility seriously. One responsibility that you will have when it comes to owning the car is to make sure that it is properly covered by insurance. There are several different groups that will require you to carry auto insurance at all times. 

State Laws

Similar to other states, drivers in North Carolina are required to carry minimum levels of liability insurance at all times. This coverage will provide protection in the event you are at fault in an accident. It will provide coverage to the other drivers in the accident, but will not provide you with coverage for damage to your vehicle. The state requires that you have $25,000 in property damage coverage as well as $30,000/$60,000 in bodily injury coverage.

Lender Requirements

Since the base state requirements will only give coverage to the other party in an accident, it is important that you have additional coverage as well if you have a loan outstanding. In most situations, a lender or lessor of your car will require that you carry a full collision and comprehensive insurance policy at all times. This will help to protect you from a wide variety of losses including theft, fire damage, or if you are in an accident with a driver that is not insured.

When you are in the Matthews, NC area and are looking for an auto insurance policy, contacting the team at JC Demo Insurance Group is a good first step. The professionals at JC Demo Insurance Group are fully aware of the auto insurance laws in North Carolina and will also be able to review your lender agreements to make sure that you are in compliance with all related requirements.