What Happens If You Name a Minor As a Beneficiary And You Pass Away When They’re a Minor?

Planning for the future often includes naming beneficiaries for your life insurance policy. If you’ve named a minor as a beneficiary, it’s important to understand what happens if you pass away while they’re still underage. At JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC, we want to help you plan ahead to ensure your loved ones are protected.

Minors Can’t Directly Receive Life Insurance Proceeds

If a minor is named as a beneficiary and you pass away, the funds from your life insurance policy won’t be paid directly to them. Legally, minors can’t manage large sums of money until they reach the age of majority, which is usually 18 or 21, depending on the state. Instead, the money will be held in a trust or managed by a court-appointed guardian until the child is old enough to take control of it. This process can sometimes create delays or additional legal expenses. Without proper planning, the financial security you intended to provide could be unnecessarily complicated.

How to Avoid Issues When Naming a Minor as a Beneficiary

Many people choose to establish a trust or designate a custodian under the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (UTMA) to prevent complications. This allows you to set specific terms for how and when the money should be distributed. It’s a simple yet effective way to ensure your child is financially supported without unnecessary delays or legal hurdles.

Let’s Plan for Their Future Together

At JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC, we’re here to help you make the best decisions for your family. Contact us today to review your life insurance policy and explore options to protect your loved ones, no matter what the future holds.