As your home value increases, so should your insurance coverage level

Our homes are often our largest investment, and it is important to keep them protected. When you first bought your home you probably sat down and reviewed all of your home insurance options to make your decision. Since that time, it’s likely that you’ve just renewed the same policy each year and not thought too much about it. The team at JC Demo Insurance Group recommends that you have your policy reviewed on an annual basis to make sure that your coverage is keeping pace with the value of your Matthews, NC area home. 

Your home policy should change along with the value of your home

Home values are constantly shifting, and your home policy should change along with it. It’s easy to forget that insurance policies have upward limits, especially when you have been fortunate enough to not have to file a claim. But as your home value increases over the years, it may surpass the level of current insurance. It is highly recommended that homeowners review their policies on an annual basis in order to make sure that their policy is adequate to meet their needs. If you haven’t taken a look at your home insurance coverage since you bought your home, now is the perfect time to review it! No one wants to find out the hard way that does to the increase in their home’s value that their policy is no longer provides sufficient protection for their family home.

Is it time for you to review your home insurance policy? If you are in the greater Matthews, NC area, call or stop by the JC Demo Insurance Group today, and we will help you make sure that your current policy meets your home protection needs.