Steps to Take to Ensure Your Car is Safe When Roads Are Slick

Driving on slick roads can be nerve-wracking, but you can keep your car and yourself safe with a few precautions. At JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC, we aim to ensure you’re prepared for any driving conditions.

Inspect Your Tires

Since your tires are your car’s only contact with the road, their condition is crucial for safe driving. Before you set out, inspect your tires for adequate tread depth and ensure they are properly inflated. Both worn-out and underinflated tires can significantly reduce traction, making your vehicle more challenging to control on wet or icy roads.

Slow Down and Increase Following Distance

Reducing your speed is vital when roads are slick. Wet surfaces can double your stopping distance, so you should drive slower, which gives you more time to react. Increasing the distance between your car and the vehicle in front of you is also important. This extra space can prevent accidents in case you need to stop suddenly.

Use Your Brakes Carefully

Abrupt braking can cause your car to skid on slick roads. Instead, apply the brakes gently to maintain control. If your vehicle has anti-lock brakes, remember these are designed to help you steer while braking. Press firmly and steadily on the brake pedal without pumping.

Avoid Sudden Movements

Sudden steering movements or rapid acceleration can lead to a loss of control. Make smooth, deliberate movements with the steering wheel and moderately accelerate to prevent your tires from losing grip.

Taking these steps can ensure your safety on slick roads. At JC Demo Insurance Group in Matthews, NC, we’re committed to your safety and peace of mind. Contact us today to review your auto insurance policy and ensure you have the necessary coverage for any driving conditions.

How Often Should You Get a Home Insurance Review?

At JC Demo Insurance Group, we are frequently surprised to see several people in the Matthews, NC area going years without seeking a home insurance review or price quote. Some haven’t had a review since their initial home buying.

Why should you get a homeowner’s insurance review and price quote, and how often should you get these?

Reasons to Get a Home Insurance Review

There are several reasons that include:

  • After making any major home improvements.
  • When you suspect home values have changed significantly.
  • If you add an attractive nuisance like a pool.
  • If you get a dog.

Of course, you may also want to get a review and price quote if you have a bad experience with your home insurance company or find yourself facing a steep rise in your premiums.

Why People Don’t Get Reviews More Frequently

Homeowners can neglect their home insurance for various reasons. It is often paid automatically or with property taxes and the mortgage. They may not think it makes a difference (it does!). Some may not even think about it.

Ideally, you should get a price quote and review it annually or at least every two to three years. If you go for a longer duration, you may end up overpaying or encounter gaps in your coverage. We can help.

Schedule a Home Insurance Review Today

Getting a home insurance review may be easier than you think. Get your policy and reach out to us at JC Demo Insurance Group, serving the Matthews, NC area. We are qualified to review your policy regardless of the issuing company.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have, and we’ll work on a price quote. We can also assist you in making the change. Contact us to get started.