Summer Months Are Tough For Your Pet: Follow These Tips

Matthews, NC is a great place to live. However, during the summer it’s going to be hot and you want to make sure that your pet is well cared for. There are a few tips to make the summer more enjoyable for your pet, regardless of whether you have a dog, cat, or a few of each.

Your dog or cat is not too different from you. You want to be well hydrated during the summer months, and you don’t want to walk around on hot concrete because it hurts your feet. Remember this for your pets, too.

  • Give them access to plenty of water
  • Look for signs of overheating
  • Don’t bring them out during the hottest parts of the day
  • Cover their paws when walking them on the pavement

There are other things that you want to look out for with your pet in the summer and it has nothing to do with the heat. There are a lot of bugs out and some of these are known for carrying various parasites. Mosquitoes transmit heartworm while fleas and ticks can transmit Lyme disease and various other diseases. Talk to your vet about preventative medication so that you don’t have to worry about any of these issues.

If you plan on doing lots of things with your pet, be sure that they are protected. This includes going out on a boat. Your pet may know how to swim, but it is better to err on the side of caution and invest in a life vest that fits properly.

At JC Demo Insurance Group, we look forward to helping you find quality homeowners insurance. Call us today and let us begin searching for quotes to help you find an affordable policy in Matthews, North Carolina.



Safely Teaching Your Teen How to Drive

Parents of teens can all agree that one of the most fear-inducing moments of parenthood is watching a child drive away alone for the first time. Teenage driving is a time of anxiety for parents, and with good reason— the CDC reports that teen drivers are three times more likely to be involved in a deadly car crash than drivers older than twenty. One step parents can take to reduce car crashes is to make a mutual driving agreement, which clearly outlines safe driving habits.

How to Make a Family Driving Contract

Parents can make a formal, written pact with their teens designating the best driving practices, “house” rules, and family expectations. Just as when they were small children, teens also learn by watching parents’ actions, so the contract should apply to all drivers in the household including mom and dad. JC Demo Insurance Group offers 9 helpful tips on writing a safe driving contract:

  1. Make sure the contract is written from a “we” point of view (i.e., We agree to wear our seat belts at all times in a moving vehicle)
  2. Write all rules as concisely as possible (We will never text while driving)
  3. Indicate how many passengers are allowed in a vehicle 
  4. Specify how to react if alcohol becomes involved
  5. Reiterate some of the more common driving laws
  6. Suggest an expected response to an aggressive driver
  7. List common distractions and how to avoid them
  8. Leave room for adjustment—contract terms can change according to the family’s driving habits and that is okay
  9. Agree to review the contract periodically

At JC Demo Insurance we care about the safety of all drivers, whether they are just starting out or have a few years under their seatbelt. Give us a call today for more information on making sure teens stay safe while driving.